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宫崎骏和吉卜力美术馆 宮崎駿とジブリ美術館(2005)

宫崎骏和吉卜力美术馆 宮崎駿とジブリ美術館(2005)

又名: 宫崎骏与吉卜力美术馆 / 三鹰之森吉卜力美术馆 / Hayao.Miyazaki.And.The.Ghibli.Museum

导演: 宫崎吾郎

主演: 高畑勲 宫崎吾朗 加贺美幸子

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 日本

上映日期: 2005

片长: 63分钟 豆瓣评分:8.2 下载地址:迅雷下载



  1. 在不长的东京行程中,我坚持把吉卜力美术馆放了进来。

    ♥ 美术馆的门票只能提前在罗森便利超市里购买~当场不能购票的~罗森的门店里有自助机购买门票~如果看不懂日语的话~可以把美术馆名字和要去的日期还是参观班次下下来~给店员看~他们会帮你定的~而且罗森店里很多店员都是中国人~我去了2次~碰到的都是中国人留学生呐~购买门票最后要填姓名什么的联系方式好像~根据我的经验~其实无所谓的~随便填个名字都可以的~入馆的时候不看的~

    ♥ 当初门票都是在东京的罗森里买的~但门票后面说好像可以在全国的罗森购买~不过没有试过~大家可以去其他城市的罗森试试~

    ♥ 每天有4个班次入馆~个人觉得早上去比较好~可以多呆一点时间~反正进去了~就没有人赶你出来的~如果定最后一班的话~可能到了闭馆时间只能出来了~

    ♥ 关于提早多少天预订这个问题呢~见仁见智了~2月份去的时候~第一天到了东京我就直奔罗森买了~买到了第二天一早的门票~一点都不紧张~后面一次去是7月份~那边的学生都还没有放暑假~但是买不到隔天的~只有后面几天的了~所以提前几天能买到门票真的要看运气了我觉得哦~不过一般提前2天总归能买到的吧~

    ♥ JR线三鹰站下来后~出站左手边下去~就能看到巴士站~来回乘车有优惠~天气好的话可以走过去~大概20分钟左右~门票背面有地图的可以看~个人挺推荐这条路的~路上有很多标识牌很可爱~而且一路上很干净~适合边走边聊~

    ♥ 店里面的礼品店不能刷银联~只能Visa之类的~纪念品都很好看很精致的~就是有点贵~而且都是made in china的~TAT~
    ♥ 一次入场券可以看一次小电影~虽然都是日语~但是动画嘛~没有语言还是能看懂的~很精彩~
    ♥ 馆内不能拍照~

  2. The official site of Ghibli Museum, Mitaka in Japan
    Main Contents
    This is the Kind of Museum I Want to Make!

    A museum that is interesting and which relaxes the soul
    A museum where much can be discovered
    A museum based on a clear and consistent philosophy
    A museum where those seeking enjoyment can enjoy, those seeking to ponder can ponder, and those seeking to feel can feel
    A museum that makes you feel more enriched when you leave than when you entered!

    To make such a museum, the building must be...
    Put together as if it were a film
    Not arrogant, magnificent, flamboyant, or suffocating
    Quality space where people can feel at home, especially when it's not crowded
    A building that has a warm feel and touch
    A building where the breeze and sunlight can freely flow through

    The museum must be run in such a way so that...
    Small children are treated as if they were grown-ups
    The handicapped are accommodated as much as possible
    The staff can be confident and proud of their work
    Visitors are not controlled with predetermined courses and fixed directions
    It is suffused with ideas and new challenges so that the exhibits do not get dusty or old, and that investments are made to realize that goal

    The displays will be...
    Not only for the benefit of people who are already fans of Studio Ghibli
    Not a procession of artwork from past Ghibli films as if it were "a museum of the past"
    A place where visitors can enjoy by just looking, can understand the artists' spirits, and can gain new insights into animation
    Original works and pictures will be made to be exhibited at the museum
    A project room and an exhibit room will be made, showing movement and life (Original short films will be produced to released in the museum!)
    Ghibli's past films will be probed for understanding at a deeper level

    The cafe will be...
    An important place for relaxation and enjoyment
    A place that doesn't underestimate the difficulties of running a museum cafe
    A good cafe with a style all its own where running a cafe is taken seriously and done right

    The museum shop will be...
    Well-prepared and well-presented for the sake of the visitors and running the museum
    Not a bargain shop that attaches importance only to the amount of sales
    A shop that continues to strive to be a better shop
    Where original items made only for the museum are found

    The museum's relation to the park is...
    Not just about caring for the plants and surrounding greenery but also planning for how things can improve ten years into the future
    Seeking a way of being and running the museum so that the surrounding park will become even lusher and better, which will in turn make the museum better as well!

    This is what I expect the museum to be, and therefore I will find a way to do it

    This is the kind of museum I don't want to make!
    A pretentious museum
    An arrogant museum
    A museum that treats its contents as if they were more important than people
    A museum that displays uninteresting works as if they were significant

    Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
    Executive Director
    Hayao Miyazaki

  3.     最早看的宫老的电影是《龙猫》,我就发现我中毒了,我也不知道自己中的是什么,反正两天内我把他所有的作品都看了一遍,并且固执的重新下了高清版放在私人硬盘里收藏。看完最后一部《岁月的童话》,听着熟悉沐耳的音乐,我发现自己不愿从他的世界里走出来。






  4. 在日本一年,感觉最好的就是这一天:去三鹰森のジブリ美術館(Mitaka Ghibli Museum),因为以宫崎骏电影为主题,中国人干脆把它叫做宫崎骏博物馆。