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威尔与哈珀:老友公路游 Will & Harper(2024)


    在这部近距离亲密描绘友谊、变性和美国的影片中,威尔·法瑞尔发现他交往了 30 年的好朋友出柜成为了跨性别女性。二人因此决定踏上一段横穿美国的公路之旅,来应对他们关系的新阶段。



  1. i just can't stop thinking about how brave and open harper is. she was so willing to show her journey, to explain her thoughts to everyone and to face her fears. and will ferrell is a genuine good friend. you can see that he is there to just provide support for his friend instead of taking the stage. and together, it is very clear that they enjoy each other's company. i loved it every time they joked around. those are two very beautiful human beings, and of course they would create such a breathtaking documentary.

    the resonance it stirred up within me, the amount of queer joy and pride, the hope -- all these emotions made my eyes tear up at least 5 times. i'm incredibly grateful that this piece of media exists.

    also so nice to see all my snl favs in here being great friends with each other :')

  2. 刚看完这部公路片,一部讲?友情的故事,Will的30年的男性好友变成了trans girl,他陪她一路自驾穿越美国。从纽约出发,一路去了我所有耳熟能详的地方。Texas、新墨西哥州的Albuquerque、Las vegas、LA、洛杉矶,大峡谷,等等著名胜地。

    因为我也环澳过的缘故,对公路片就太亲切了,也算是同好。电影每一处随着开车镜头?掠过的地名,就如同我在澳洲开过的一万公里环澳路程一样,只不过我看到的是Perth、Adelaide、Melbourne、Sydney、Newcastle,至今没去Brisbane和Alice Spring或Darwin,因为我知道这一万公里已经包含澳洲90%的精华,也没有多少土生土长的澳洲人一个人开车环澳自驾过。

    这部公路片感人的地方是对友情的阐述,他们一路自驾美国是process the new stage of their friendship and reintroduce Harper to tthe country she loves。

    剧里与路人平凡又温馨的对谈很感人,又觉得Trans girl在美国能做自己真好,当然在Texas是不可能的,还是在网络上和现实里被骂很惨。

    看完电影?也更加强烈的有了两个人自驾长途旅行的想法,身边很多朋友跟我说过,如果一起走完这么长的旅途友情要么愈加坚固,要么就大几个月不会再联系。 我一直想有个人和我一起从悉尼开到北领地,去艾尔斯岩(乌鲁鲁),去北领地看鳄鱼?、看澳洲outback最原始的风貌,看是不是比西澳我呆过的地方土著人更多,体验这一路上到底和珀斯开到悉尼有什么不同。



    电影?里讲Trans girl的内容很真实打动人,作为一个少数群体,世界上也就几个少数国家能实在这种相对的平等、不歧视、快乐和自由吧。美国已经是最开放的国家之一了,但依然,在德州被骂得那么惨,少数群体的权益不知道在地球上能和大群体等同的那天何时能来到。