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地狱厨房(美版) 第一季 Hell's Kitchen Season 1(2005)

地狱厨房(美版) 第一季 Hell's Kitchen Season 1(2005)

又名: 美版地狱厨房 第一季 / 希尔的厨房 第一季 / 厨房噩梦 第一季 / 地狱厨房(美版)

主演: Gordon Ramsay

类型: 剧情 悬疑 冒险

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 2005-05-30(美国)

集数: 11 单集片长: 42分钟 IMDb: tt0437005 豆瓣评分:8 下载地址:迅雷下载




  1. 转自:


    今天看完最后一集了,总觉得蛮感慨的。然后看到这边也没人更新这期参赛者的后续情况,就把这篇文章搬过来了。话说michael和raphi也太惨了.... 一个餐馆没开多久新生儿就去世了,之后和妻子也越走越远直到离婚,长期的药物成瘾也越来越严重,据说一段时间穷到去shelter领食物过活,好歹是在2还是3年前戒掉了成瘾问题,也遇到了自己现在的妻子和儿子,还有机会重新发展自己喜欢的cooking事业。另一个餐馆在装修的时候不知道是设备问题还是什么的遇到了爆炸,全身40%烧伤,这么多年算是身体上恢复过来了,心理上却不像以前一门心思只想开自己的餐馆而是想好好照顾家庭了(其实也有爆炸留下的阴影的关系吧...)。


    Hell's Kitchen Season 1 aired May 30 to August 1, 2005 on Fox Network, there were 12 contestants and the prize for the winner was a position in London to work under Gordon Ramsay in one of his restaurants.

    In this season, Gordon Ramsay was judge, Jean-Philippe Susilovic was Maître d', Mary-Ann Salcedo was sous chef for the red team and Scott Leibfried was sous chef for the blue team.

    Find out what the Hell's Kitchen Season 1 contestants did next after appearing on Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay.

    Andrew Bonito was an Office Assistant from Livingston, New Jersey. During the show, he did not get on well with Gordon and there were some heated exchanges. He was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 6.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Andrew credited the process for helping him to grow professionally. In 2008, he returned to college to complete a Masters in Hospitality, after which he became manager at The Palm in Manhattan before moving to Bond 45. He moved to new Director roles and he is currently Director of Strategic Initiatives at LM Restaurant Group.

    Carolann Valentino was a kitchen assistant from Dallas, Texas. She created the signature dish of the season but was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 1 due to her lack of experience and teamwork skills.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Carolann left the catering world and in 2013 performed a comedy play "Burnt at the Steak", about her experiences working in a Steakhouse and choosing to pursue a career in performing over her career in catering. She had a part in 2016 movie "Cassanova Was a Woman". She was a gym instructor teaching classes in New York.

    Chris North was an Executive Chef from Yorktown Heights, New York, who trained at the Institute of Culinary Education. He was eliminated in in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 5 after Gordon questioned his abilities as an Executive Chef saying that he expected more from him.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Chris returned to Rowayton Seafood where he has been Executive Chef since 2005.

    Elsie Ramos was a self taught cook and mother of six, she learnt to cook from family members. She was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 8 after performing poorly during the service despite strong performances in previous services.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Elsie published "Elsie’s Turkey Tacos and Arroz con Pollo", has done numerous cookery demonstrations, events and returned to cookery school. She has appeared on a number of cookery shows and partnered with Imusa Health, a homeware company and embarked on a series of cookery demonstrations. She is also a partner to Health First and promotes healthier alternatives to home cooked classics.

    Jimmy Casey was a Purchasing Manager from Williston Park, New York. He graduated from The Institution of Culinary Education in New York and was a Manager in their purchasing department. He was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 7 after Gordon felt he was the weakest chef.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Jimmy described it as a positive experience that taught him a lot about cooking and operations in the time he was on the show. It appears he may have returned to his previous career in Purchasing.

    Jeffery Dewberry was a Pastry Chef from Stockbridge, Georgia. During the show, he struggled with some tasks and even deserted his station after struggling with Beef Wellington, this led to his exit from the show in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 2.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Jeff became a Chef/Manager at The Flying Biscuit Cafe in Atlanta, Georgina . He blogged briefly in 2006 about what he was doing after the show. He also has a YouTube Channel featuring vegan recipes and currently offers home cooking lessons and parties at his

    Jeff La Poff was a Finance Manager from Orange, New Jersey. Jeff struggled in the show and called Gordon an a**hole in one episode before walking out. He left in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 3 after arguing with Gordon. His exit and poor performance was later put down to a sprained ankle and kidney stones. It is reported that he and Gordon had a further argument in the parking lot, which led to the sprained ankle.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Jeff worked in used car sales for a few years and now works in insurance.

    Jessica Cabo was a Head Hunter from Huntington, New York, she was a self taught chef but had gained some experience from running a pizzeria whilst in college. She was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 9 after her chicken dish scored the least votes.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Jessica returned to working at Yahoo briefly, then decided to pursue her passion in the kitchen, working her way up in a friends restaurant before working in LA with a number of well known chefs before opening her own restaurant Brick+Mortor in Santa Monica. In 2013, she became a chef at CAM Cafe at the Cameron Art Museum before taking over the reigns as Head Chef. She is currently Head Chef at The Blockade Runner Resort in Wrightsville Beach.

    Mary Ellen Daniels was a Bartender and culinary student from Belmont, Massachusetts. She was eliminated in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 4 due to inconsistency in the the dishes she prepared.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Mary got married in 2013 but appears to have returned to her previous career in hospitality.

    Michael Wray was a professional chef from Fort Collins, Colorado. His dishes were well received by both Gordon and critics and Michael Wray was the Hell's Kitchen season 1 winner. His choice of prize was to either open his own restaurant or to travel to London to apprentice with Gordon in one of his restaurants.

    After Hell's Kitchen, Michael accepted to work with Gordon but once he realised the strains this would put on his family, he decided not to take up the prize. He went on to be Head Chef at The Standard in Los Angeles before moving to Arizona. He planned to open his open restaurant HK One, ran his own knife company and taught culinary classes.

    In recent years he suffered the loss of his newborn daughter, marriage breakdown and the loss of his home. He has a fundraiser to help raise funds for a food truck, [为了避免不符合豆瓣的规定,donation link我移除了。有兴趣的各位可以搜索原文去找那个Link。]

    update 2 May 2020 :

    Ralph Pagano was a Professional Chef from Livingston, New Jersey. He was the Hell's Kitchen season 1 runner up, losing to Michael by just 4%.

    After Hell's Kitchen, he worked at STK Miami. He continued his tv career, hosting cooking shows Pressure Cook and All Mixed Up. He also challenged Chef Bobby Flay in an episode of Iron Chef and lost. He opened restaurant Naked Taco in Miami Beach, Naked Lunch at the University of Miami and later Naked Tiki.

    Ralph was host of Pressure Cook on Travel Channel and All Mixed Up on Lifetime. In June 2017, he was injured in an accident at his soon to be opened restaurant and decided to focus on family instead of expanding the business.

    Update FEB 03, 2020 :

    Wendy Liu was an account manager from New Jersey who graduated from The Institute of Culinary Education. She was weak throughout the first three services and Gordon referred to eliminating her in Hell's Kitchen season 1 episode 3 as putting her out of her misery.

    After the show, she appears to have returned to her career in account management.

  2. 在家里宅好无聊,考古一下老节目XD

    Ralph:蓝队扛把子之一。性格外向,声音洪亮,有着发亮的双眼和憨憨的笑容,是一个亲和力和领导能力强的chef。感觉在蓝队是一个老父亲的存在,和队友关系都很好,在confession video里面常衷心地欣赏每个队友,所以对他最有好感了。Gordon表示像他这样的助手能让主厨非常地安心。唯一缺点可能是太过于有主见以至于不够关心别人,有时候讨论菜单选食物的时候会忽略队友的意见,影响团队凝聚力。

    Michael:蓝队扛把子之二,后来因为蓝队太强了被调去carry红队。外表很阴险凶悍,但其实是个温柔且很有艺术感的男人,虽然一副非主流混混的扮相,但眼神非常纯粹,还把厨师纹在自己的手指上。实力强得连Gordon都没有骂过他,频繁带领小组赢得challenge然后出去享受奖励。和Ralph是对手也是朋友,两个人后来不在一队,但剪辑经常放他关心Ralph和其他队友的一些小动作,和大家关系都不错。不过也会狂被大家吐槽是心机婊,经常使用小技巧占据优势,例如摆盘搞一个HK logo取悦Gordon、把同队的威胁人物Chris弄出局、故意少放食材让Ralph做主厨出错等等。最后决赛能看出他在餐厅设计和菜品处理更有个人特色,所以能够险胜Ralph。



    Elsie:红队。就是那个好多个小孩的妈,第一次见Gordon就紧张得要晕掉那位姐。开始以为她是两面三刀心机bitch,嘴上说着不会让Dewberry走,结果在Gordon面前毫不犹豫地就提名他。后来发现她就是大大咧咧而已,和Michael运用战术相比简直就是pure and true。最后被淘汰的那一晚,因为被其他三个人bully,心态崩塌导致发挥失常,看着她满眼泪水和委屈,我竟然共情了。



    Jimmy:Gordon口中的big boy。笨拙但人不坏,工作之外是能在团体里面起到开心果作用的。被Michael利用还给他报恩(Michael真的运气好)。赢了一次challenge就飘了,下一晚就淘汰了...话说这一季好多人都是这样走掉的诶。

    Wendy:地狱厨房少见的中国人。人很温柔善良,但实力不够,而且是这季里面最容易陷入慌乱的选手,她听Gordon rap订单的时候一脸困惑的样子,仿佛就是做英语听力的我。


  3. high-maintainence 难伺候 hoity toity bitch=stuck up

    u must stay in control 必须控制!!!!!!!!!!!!

    one ticket away from 一步之遥

    tough it out 硬碰硬

    failed miserably 惨败

    burner is open 炉子

    take a slide lead 领先点

    temperature SPOT ON 火候正好

    signature dish 招牌菜

    bolognaise 意大利肉酱面??

    looks dreadful 没卖相

    pork cheek 猪头肉

    grape tomato 圣女果

    living the high llife =好high

    ready to get my hands dirty。干活

    get the other side browned 两面金黄

    golden brown and delicious

    unfold your arms 手放下