这一季中,演讲比较多。国王巴拉巴拉也上了一回电视(S2E3),演讲内容是很动人,但太傻逼了,所以就不引述了。太单纯的人往往好心做坏事没意识到自己的天真可能导致的全部后果(好的、坏的),只能说是傻逼,被无邪遮掩了的蠢——对真善美的渴望蒙蔽了对追求真善美过程中的漏洞的预防,即无比寄希望于道德。始终觉得只有充分认识人性的邪恶,然后做出了制度上的充分预防或制衡,才能让真善美展现。又比如,虽然教条上明白国王不能干政,可实际却还没意识到自己已经干政。FU也上了一次电视(S2E4),FU在访谈中对社会两极分化的理解"There is a deep division in society today, between those who want to work and enjoy the fruits of their labors and abide by and uphold the laws of the land, and an increasing number of what it has become fashionable to call the disaffected, the disadvantaged, the differently-motivated — what we used to call lazy people, dishonest people, people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions or their lives."和之后对征兵的论述"We're going to bring back National Service as the first step in a large-scale program of public works. We're going to get our young people — all our young people — off their backsides. We're going to put a large investment into Britain's future. And we're damned well going to get our money's worth... It can't be right that young people in the very flower and prime of youth should spend half the day loafing in bed, and the rest selling each other drugs and stealing from each other. Let's give our young people a chance to learn self-discipline again, a chance to feel proud of themselves and walk tall!...I have a great belief in Britain, you know. We are not a nation of social workers, or clients of social workers. We are not, please God, a nation of deserving cases. We are a fierce, proud nation, and we are still, God willing, a nation to be reckoned with!"...“We talk about freedom so much, don't we?... But most people don't want it at all. Most people are weak and stupid and cowardly and contemptible. You see the great beauty of conscription is we'll be able to use the 18 to 23-year-olds to subdue their younger brothers in the inner cities and on those ghastly estates. And then we can think about exporting them. Use the British fighting man to redress the balance of trade... After all nobody wants these young people, not even their own parents. They have no skills, no education, no self-discipline. They are utterly useless. But we're going to make them useful, like factory farming.”非常精辟(虽然在政治学著作里都是老调陈词了),瞬间《1984》的感觉就出来了(英国离左很近,比如刽子手参观了不列颠以后说要是某党执政了英伦列岛就真是实现了马大胡子的空想,却有天然的警惕,乔治奥威尔、阿道司赫胥黎、V字仇杀队等)。
特别喜欢,FU去接受议员质询的路上,打破第四道墙,和观众说"Is the Prime Minister aware...?"那种神情,随即镜头就切换到了议会大厅,传来反对党议员(John Stroud)“Is the Prime Minister aware,”接着一串冗长的从句,而FU私下对着镜头笑着耸一下眉毛说他总学不会简明扼要说话的处理。(S2E3)
我不是很甘心这样的结局嘛,FU不是被一个比他有手段的人打败了,当然要是真有那样一个人,我想以FU的才智和手段,应该又不会输。而原著里在FU死后又有一轮权力斗争,Tom Makepeace也不是最后的赢家。不过FU欠下的硬伤实在太多,总会到一个点,没法翻身或全身而退的,这样带着“荣誉”“被暗杀”,也是没办法的办法了。出来混的总是要还的。打败他的只能是自己。预计Netflix版的Francis J. Underwood会被类似肯尼迪遇刺处理吧,但也不排除更腹黑阴冷而退身谢幕的可能。