I grieve and dare not show my discontent 我很悲伤却不能显出我的不满 I love and yet I’m force to seem to hate 明明是爱却必须表现成恨 I do yet dare not say I ever meant 做了的事却必须申请根本无意去 I seem stark mute yet inwardly do prate 我外表沉默内心却有万语想说 I am and I’m not 我是自己却又不属于自己 I freeze yet am burnt 我内心冰冷却已是燃尽的尘埃 Since from myself another self I turn 由一个我变成另一个我 My care it like my shadow in the sun 我的烦恼如同阳光下的影子 It follows me flying, flies when I pursue it 它跟随我挥之不去 Stands and lies by me does what I have done 如影随形做我所作 Or let me live with some more sweet content or die 给我更多虚无的满足亦或催我去死 And so forget what love ere meant 由此使我忘却早已逝去的爱
Exxex 被女王处死后 他留有一封信: My prime of your is but a frost of cares 青春韶华,霜结爱恋 My feast of joy is but a dish of pain 欢乐盛宴,苦不堪言 My cup of corn is but a field of tares 生之硕果,皆为草稗 And all my good is but vain hope of gain 历尽此生,空怀幻念 The day is gone and yet I saw no sun 光阴正逝,华不再来 And now I live. And now my life is done 化蝶于此,今生不再 看完信后 女王是欲哭无泪的