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哥伦布前的美洲 America Before Columbus(2009)

哥伦布前的美洲 America Before Columbus(2009)

又名: 哥伦布之前的美洲

导演: Cristina Trebbi

编剧: Uwe Kersken Cristina Trebbi

主演: Nathan English 维克多·加博 Andrew C. Isenberg

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 2009-11-22(美国)

片长: 90分钟 IMDb: tt1552976 豆瓣评分:8 下载地址:迅雷下载



  1. Why did these Europeans go to America? This all started when the Europeans lost their Silk Road to the East to the Turks, this meant the decline of foreign trade. The nobles' wealth depended on trading. So they must find a new trade route. One seaman named Columbus had a crazy idea of sailing into the unknown to reach India. He spent five years trying to gain royal financial support for his voyage. In the end, he received the support from the queen of Spain, Isabella. Christopher Columbus's voyage was very successful. His discoveries of riches and lands and gold were soon being known by many many people. The Queen of Spain needed these people to conquer the new found land of her. And in 1493, 17 ships carrying 1200 Spaniards arrived in the New World on an island in the Caribbean Sea. They soon started to explore the New land, some went south, some to the Andes and some along the Mississippi River. They soon conquered south and Central American.

    The Spanish conquistadors brought many animals with them, such as horses, pigs, sheep and cattle. Some of them had gone astray. Affected by surroundings, they became more wild. The horses became the mustang and the pigs became wild boars. The animals soon affected the Indians' daily life. The conquistadors also brought something more deadly, smallpox. For the native Americans' immune systems were not capable of protecting them from smallpox, this disease had a devastating impact on Native American populations.

    - J a c k X u

  2. 一部讲述哥伦布发现美洲前后的欧洲和美洲情况的纪录片,我个人很喜欢看,对哥伦布其人和15世纪的地理大发现有了比较全面的了解~~
  3. 当看到欧洲人带去的马匹在美洲广袤无垠的土地上放肆奔跑驰骋时,内心有那么一秒震惊。在我的潜意识里,马是被驯化被圈养的,这种观念根深蒂固以至于我都忘记了原本马就应该是和其他动物一样自由自在无拘无束不受人类驱使的属于大草原。任何动物,包括人,都拥有与生俱来的自由的权力,然而这种权力往往被剥夺。