An independent documentary directed by Bobbito Garcia and Kevin Couliau. The film explores the definition, history, culture, social impact and global influence of New York's outdoor summer basketball scene, the worldwide 'Mecca' of the sport
The 25 Greatest Sports Documentaries of All Time #25. Doin' It in the Park Year: 2013 Director(s): Kevin Couliau, Bobbito Garcia Synopsis: Bobbito and his team visit 180 New York courts to document pick-up hoops in the Mecca of basketball. Watch the Trailer
Co-directors Kevin Couliau and Bobbito made a first-of-its-kind film documenting pick-up basketball where it started: New York City. They traveled to every borough and talked to numerous NYC blacktop legends such as Pee Wee Kirkland, Fly Williams, and Corey "Homicide" Williams, among others. They even took a trip to Riker's Island, showing that the game of basketball brings people from different backgrounds together. Doin' It in the Park screened over the 2012 summer to the chorus of rave reviews. The film will be available worldwide on May 1, and digital pre-sales begin March 1. For more info check