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不变的大海 The Unchanging Sea(1910)



  1. 這部片是Griffith對Alfred Lord Tennyson的Enoch Arden敘事詩的電影改編,針對同一作品Griffith共嘗試了三次,各別是三部曲After Many Years (1908)、The Unchanging Sea (1910)、Enoch Arden (1911)。

    在After Many Years (1908)與The Unchanging Sea (1910)中,主角Enoch Arden和他的愛人Annie結婚後,因討海而出遠門,因海難而流落荒島。在The Unchanging Sea中,Enoch因船難失憶,流落他鄉。在After Many Years中,Enoch則是流落荒島。但在兩片中Enoch最終都回到家鄉,與Annie團員。但在Enoch Arden中,Griffith更貼緊原作品,Enoch雖然最後回來了,但看見Annie已經和過去的情敵Philipp結合,他為了保全Annie的幸福而孤獨終老。

    三部影片都有意識地使用原著的詩句作為字幕卡,Griffith在這些影片中已經發展cutaway shots, parallel cuttings等等電影語法,透過字幕卡中詩句的傳遞,連接著場景的轉換和剪接的時空變化。


  2. A young married couple are living happily in the little fishing village and at the opening of the story the young husband is one the "Three fishers went sailing away to the West, away in the West as the sun went down. Each thought on the woman who loved him best, and the women stood watching them out of the town. For men must work and women must weep, and there's little to earn and many to keep. Though the harbor bar be moaning." As the days rolled by the "three wives sat up in the lighthouse tower...They looked at the squall, and they looked at the shower," but no sign of their husband's return could be seen. Ah! Little did they know that on a distant shore "Three fishers lay out on the shining sands, in the morning gleam as the tide went down." When the rescue party brings the fishers in they find life in one, the young husband. With the tender care of the folk in this distant land he regains his health, but his memory is a blank. All efforts to recall the past prove futile. Meanwhile, the poor wife, with her baby, sits gazing out to sea, still hopeful of his return, but in vain. The years roll by and her child grows into young womanhood to be courted by one of the young fishermen of the coast village, and it is upon the day that the young couple are preparing for their wedding that the long lost husband, having started out to sea once more lands on the shore of his native village. The familiar scenes restore his memory. It seems to him that it was only on the yesterday he left, and he rushes eagerly along the coast to meet his wife. There she stands, ever hopeful. At first they hardly recognize each other, time having wrought such a change, but enwrapped in each others' arms they realize fate's injunction: "For men must work and women must weep, and the sooner it's over the sooner to sleep, and good-bye to the bar and its moaning." The scenic beauty of the subject is exceptional, being taken at a fishing village of Southern California. —Moving Picture World synopsis