people either hate or love his work. I belong to the latter category. His films always evoke the fantastic journey, that of ordinary human beings that are extraordinary in so many ways- we are all actors on this stage we call life.
Lelouch reminds us that even when we hit rock bottom, the best in us can emerge. In a very Borgian style, each step we make is determinant and can take us on a different path... In his films, he always chooses faith and redemption; humankind is overall good and that regardless of the harm we can inflict upon ourselves or upon others.
He films in the same way he expresses himself... with sincerity, great curiosity and a keen sense of beauty. This film will take you to Morocco and the intertwining streets of the medina, to the desert, or to a sailing competition in Fécamp (all very powerful symbols of destiny).
In his films, even small things count. Like the Microcosmos to the Macrocosmos, all small things are great, all greatness is made up of small things. this is beauty, this is Art. THANK YOU Monsieur Lelouch