this is us和life itself,原班编剧,只是把电视剧搬上了荧幕,然后就扑街了?不解。你们告诉我电影哪里不好吧,鸡汤满满是剧本身的风格,结构章节清晰没有电影意识,是的。so what?
《一生》Life itself
编剧兼导演丹·福格尔曼在《一生》也同样采用了剧集《我们这一天》独特的插叙和倒叙杂交的叙事手法。通过线索诸如鲍勃迪伦的专辑《Time Out of Mind》和《Make You Feel My Love》,纽约追梦等串起故事 。加之《低俗小说》里约翰·特拉沃尔塔和乌玛·瑟曼舞场装扮、墨西哥移民美国的文化背景,整个电影的基调给观众亲切的文化共鸣。
节奏极快、信息量很大的叙事,通过精致却不做作的New Yorker式的台词中呈现。 Abby英语文学毕业论文“不可靠的叙述者”和“意想不到的英雄”的寓意,让观众会心一笑,这是叙述者为我们创造的虚构故事,观众也跟着穿过岁月洪流,时代跨越了几十年, 去感受岁月变迁对一代和下一代和下下代带来的精神改变;而真实的故事是我们自己的生活本身,真实的生活只能过一遍,如何过好我们的生活是《一生》给我们的启示和寓意。
关于年轻人的相遇与婚姻。妻子 Abby (Olivia Wilde)的意外离开,导致丈夫Will(Oscar Isaac)精神不振,体现的却是用情之深。有一种《我们这一天》Jack爱Rebecca胜过世界上的一切的感觉,再次感到一种转瞬即逝的美好和脆弱。
关于生与死、成长与衰老。也许我也是正处于Dylan一样21岁刚过的年纪,Dylan与爷爷的两席对白,在编剧高超的台词始作俑下,让人感到在死这种终极字眼下连简单的悲伤都显得苍白无力 。是绝望,与不可承受的生命之轻。然后Dylan小朋友长大,变成了朋克少女,看上去狂野的外壳深藏的是脆弱和创伤。但一切都在变与不变中,当看到 爷孙俩干杯?,又仿佛看到了他们一如儿时的作伴。第三代与爷爷之间还能用真挚去面对,不争吵,虽然不免是有年龄和对事物理解的隔阂了。因为显得聚如往兮。
就算剧中人物 Will (Oscar Isaac), Abby (Olivia Wilde), Antonio Banderas, Annette Bening等都被命运捉弄,却仍然泰然处之,相处方式是超脱世俗得真挚善良——爱情可以这么专一,亲情可以永远体贴。
「 Every narrator by its very definition is unreliable because when you tell a story there's always an essential distance between the story itself and the telling of said story, right? So, therefore, every story that has ever been told has an unreliable narrator. The only truly reliable narrator would be someone hypothetically telling a story that unfolds before our very eyes which is obviously very impossible. So, what does that tell us? The only truly reliable narrator is life itself. But life itself is also a completely unreliable because it is constantly misdirecting and misleading us and taking us on this journey where it is literally impossible to predict where it is going to go next. Life as the ultimate unreliable narrator.」
「You have had many ups and downs in your life. Too many. And you will have more. This is life. And this is what it does. Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little farther, you will always find love. I found love in you. And my life, my story, it will continue after I'm gone. Because you are my story. You are your father's story. Your uncle's. My body fails me. But you are me. So you go now. Give me a beautiful life. The most beautiful life ever. Yeah? And if life brings us to our knees, you stand us back up. You get up. And go farther. And find us the love. Will you do that?」
「I'm not sure whose story I have been telling. I'm not sure if it is mine, or if it's some character's I have yet to meet. I'm not sure of anything. All I know is that, at any moment, life will surprise me. It will bring me to my knees. And when it does, I will remind myself... I will remind myself that I am my father. And I am my father's father. I am my mother. And I am my mother's mother. And while it may be easy to wallow in the tragedies that shape our lives, and while it's natural to focus on those unspeakable moments that bring us to our knees, we must remind ourselves that if we get up, if we take the story a little bit farther... If we go far enough, there's love.」
生活总是会给你惊喜。你永远不知道下一秒钟会发生什么,遇到什么人,经历哪些事情。Tragedy may knock you down. But you get back up again because all the little parts of all those who came before you are inside of you, urging you to keep going. I have always wondered how people survive the tragedies in their lives. Families with lots of love do it all the time. Even best friends too. Now, I understand how the love and the memories can transcend the tragedies. Take us beyond the tragedies. And why we all must never dishonor those who have touched our hearts by forgetting about them. Because life is never forever. But it's best parts can be passed on to those you love and shared with those who loved you until the day they died. This is the power of this movie.
Life brings you to your knees. It brings you lower than you think you can go. But if you stand back up and move forward, if you go just a little farther, you will always find love.