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铁血金戈 Drums Along the Mohawk(1939)





  1. 这是约翰·福特的第一部彩色电影。
    故事发生在独立战争时期。Gil 和新婚的妻子Lana回到纽约上州的Mohawk Valley定居。他们在一所小房子里过着简单而幸福的生活。但是,没过多久,印第安人入侵,火烧了他们的房子。村民们躲到一个石头垒砌的城堡里。当印第安人没有滋扰的时候,他们开始重建家园。但是,印第安人屡次进犯。直到最后援军到来,他们将美国国旗高高悬挂在城堡的最高处。
    Gil 受命去找援兵,他一个人孤身穿越丛林、沙漠,身后一直有3个印第安人紧追不舍。这段单人追逐的锻炼,导演拍摄的极其冷静,没有用太多的声音来烘托紧张的气氛,而就是利用最多的环境声,以及呼吸声,反而更有让人屏住呼吸,等待下一秒会发生什么的情绪。这种压抑的气氛,直到一个印第安人体力不支倒下后,一下子得到了舒缓。
  2. 作业要求看到,还挺有趣的一部老电影,在当时也算大制作了

    Lana was born in a rich family and move to the frontier with her husband so she can not imagine and accept the poor environment when she first arrived. She was scared by a friendly Indian and cried. At 24 minutes, the concept between frontier women and Lana is totally different. Lana believed women should be romantic but the frontier women believe those beautiful pieces of stuff are useless. They only want things that could help their life and make them eat well and dress warmly. Therefore, before the Indian invade, Lana didn’t work because she was a kind of noble lady. The wait china is a good clue to show the value changing about her. After Indians burned their house, they went back to the ruins of their house and found the broken white china. It also means that Lana has changed her mind. She didn’t want to be that” useless” white china and really want to help Gilbert to make a living and rebuild their house. Their conservation at 35 minutes also shows this point. Edna provided them a place to live and Lana started to work. This is a part of Lana’s transform. Edna is a kind of strong women. Edna also let Lana learn to calm down and to be independent. She didn’t afraid of Indians even when they invaded her house. I think Edna influences Lana to be strong and brave. In the end, she didn’t depend on Gilt and shot an enemy. It means that she was truly accepted by the community. She transformed from a cowardly lady to a real frontier woman.