Are there limits to your love for your family? One family's acceptance is tested when a champion diver, destined for the Olympics, announces he's transitioning into a woman-and invites his YouTube followers along for every moment. It's a story about unconditional love and finding the courage to be yourself.
(首先 这个中文名翻译的 辣眼睛)
如果脱离Gigi的身份背景而言,她大概只能是另外一个Kardasian,丰乳肥唇,奢侈生活,也许大多数人也因此不会bother去keep up with。但以她25岁的人生来看,她才是真真正正能称得上是个drama queen,是我见过世界上唯一能把lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender四样全占了的人——她中学第一次come out as a gay,后来她妈妈去世后come out as a transgender, 2016年又come out as a lesbian (关于她女朋友Nats Getty的帅 以及看起来像个drug addict等八卦有兴趣的可以跟我私聊)。再加上她曾经是个全国青少年跳水冠军,去年又在迪拜因为transgender的身份被关了5个小时……
这个时代,大家不爱information,偏爱infotainment——娱乐至死是个事实,为了更大的一些理想,就要学会play the game。所以我觉得接下来我可能也要尝试Buzzfeed的风格,就像片子里Gigi说,我从来就讨厌doc,但没想到自己的这个辣么棒(她真的是越来越婊气)。娱乐是最接近人性的东西。