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巨蟒剧团:几乎都是事实(律师剪辑版) Monty Python: Almost the Truth - The Lawyers Cut(2009)


    为庆祝喜剧天团Monty Python成立四十周年,IFC精心打造的六部头五个多钟头史诗纪录片;



  1. It's still too short with even 5 hours 20 minutes' epic length!!!

    What a pleasure to finally watch the whole 6 episode instead of the
    BBC lawyer's cut!

    Since the format is so close to the BEATLES ANTHOLOGY,this should really really expand to 8 episode as well. Flying circus still has lots of stuff to explore (the revolutionary free structure is just touched upon in the doc); Meaning of life deserve a single episode as well, at least mentioning Jonsey's fun ride in CANNES...
    and so on and so on...

    Anyway, I'm extremely satisfied with this set, and it truly truly is
    must own for any avid python fan!