well my roommate Jaha really do need my help, she has trouble with money, fortunately although I am not so much rich, at least I do not have much serious problem with normal food.
I have to say that I have already traveled many places in the UK, if my parents come here I can persuade them many views to enjoy (centainly if they would like to), but one more important thing is that I am afraid at least my mom more interested in the British people and their society, which is more difficult to get than only their informal languages.
well one way to close their daily life is their art productions, like this one.
女则乔装成贵妇,称自己因为一封16岁时写的情书,被一个 叫拉文顿 的坏蛋敲诈勒索。希望波洛帮助自己找这个家伙要回这封信。
这时候,女则人的同伙,乔装成 拉文顿 来来见波洛,告诉他,不见钱就公布情书内容。
好在,波洛从贾普探长口中得知真的 拉文顿 已经死在荷兰了,且波洛还发现那个中国魔盒中,不仅仅有那封情书,还有一盒子珠宝和钻石。