他们不愿意自己的人生就这么结束了 像音无和岩泽的“死在前往梦想的途中”像文人的“在别人认可自己的存在之前黯然离世,一生都活在哥哥的背影下,无限的自卑”像由依的“身体永远无法动弹,只能通过电视看别人的人生”像由里子的“痛失家人缺无力与夺走他们的人反抗”....这些人的境遇使他们根本无法接受自己的人生,带着怨念愤然离世 就比尔盖茨的一句话“life is not fair get used to it”(生活是不公平的,学会去习惯它) SSS战线不只是反抗天使的组织,其实更是一个反抗不公平的人生的组织 死后世界的宗旨是让他们接受自己的人生救赎自己的灵魂从而消失,因此他们暂时无法在那个的世界消失。 听起来很热血,反抗神明是多么伟大的想法啊 其实,SSS战线真的很肤浅
there isn't actually anything that I found inspiring or moving in any way. In addition to this the whole basis of the story is that this particular purgatory is only for young people, however one has to question why this is so, and also why the only young people who get to go there are all people with regrets.
Confused? Throughout the whole series not one character actually displayed any kind of violent or vengeful behaviour in their past life, and this omission place a huge bias on the story. As far as I'm aware, the nature of purgatory is that it exists not only for those with regrets, but also for those whose sins aren't great enough for them to be sent to hell.
Purgatory is, in effect, the last chance a soul has to "get it right", and whilst Angel Beats does kind of show this, the lack of anyone who died for revenge makes the whole story unbalanced. The fact that almost everyone in the story only has regret makes the whole show a bit too sugary sweet, and while the whole series is actually pretty well written, this only makes the areas that are missing more pronounced