乔治娅奥基弗(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)是一位个性独立自信自强的先锋女性,一次偶然中,她和著名摄影师史地格兹(杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 饰)相识了。起初,两人的相处并不愉快,但随着时间的推移,一种艺术家之间的心心相惜让两人之间的距离越走越近,最终摩擦出了炙热的爱情火花,史地格兹甚至为了乔治亚而结束了自己的婚姻。
"Artists never work for money, they work for pleasure. You should just paint,paint, paint! don't bring up children"
他对她也有明确的预期,他认定了某些事情。他用对她身体私密的照片来获得公众的眼球,并且让媒体以他要求的方式去报道、去引起轰动。“一个以自己的感情、自己的本能、自己的性别自豪的女人”、“一个昂首姿态的女性”、“You live and breathe it. You are a model of modern female, never been seen before. ”
他让她从nobody to somebody。Everybody heard her name, now everybody wants to know her painting.
他深谙什么艺术,艺术是有钱人的定义。A painting only becomes art when rich people buy it.
这两个人的结合是相爱,也是魔鬼的交易。他们从彼此身上获得想要的。“I own the photographs, but the spirit of the woman inside them is yours"
他们俩的结合也是成功的,”see what we've achieved, a modern American painting,作品被大都会美术馆收藏“!
3、grow out of his shadow
”他真正需要的就是一棵小种子,that he can plant,nurture and care. He lost interest in me because I grow out of his shadow.“
"I only love you and love you forever. But I have to go."