孤陋寡闻第一次知道有这么个戏是在那部著名的National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage里,短短几分钟的片段不仅让我记住了Andrew Scott,也让我对这部神秘的Angels in America念念不忘。后知后觉有一部不在舞台胜似戏剧的迷你剧存在,感谢导演的忠实,魔幻了现实。念念不忘,必成魔障。再高的还原度也不如庐山真面目,现实的魔幻,药不能停。
第一部 千禧年近了
卷首引用了美国诗人斯坦利·库尼茨(Stanley Kunitz)的《树的试验》(The Testing-Tree,1971)中的一句: In a murderous time the heart breaks and breaks and lives by breaking.
舞台提示 10月的最后几天。切梅尔维茨拉比独自站在舞台上,身旁有一个小棺材。那是一个粗糙的松木棺,头尾各有一个木栓,将棺盖固定。棺盖上罩着一块绣有犹太教标志大卫星(Star of David)的祈祷用方巾,前头则燃着一支犹太教悼念仪式上用的长明灯(yahrzeit candle)。
镜头从葬礼开始,梅丽尔·“OMG”·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)反串饰演的老拉比颤颤巍巍地说出了全剧第一段也是很长一段台词,温和、坚定又不失幽默,配上早期犹太移民漂洋过海的黑白纪录片儿片段,使这段诗意含蓄的骄傲兼吐槽更易于理解: ...She was not a person but a whole kind of person, the ones who crossed the ocean, who brought with us to America the villages of Russia and Lithuania-and how we struggled, and how we fought, for the family, for the Jewish home, so that you would not grow up here, in this strange place, in the melting pot where nothing melted. Descendants of this immigrant woman, you do not grow up in America, you and your children and their children with the goyische names. You do not live in America. No such place exists. Your clay is the clay of some Litvak shtetl, your air the air of the steppes-because she carried the old world on her back across the ocean, in a boat, and she put it down on Grand Concourse Avenue, or in Flatbush, and she worked that earth into your bones, and you pass it to your children, this ancient, ancient culture and home. You can never make that crossing that she made, for such Great Voyages in this world do not any more exist. But every day of your lives the miles that voyage between that place and this one you cross. Every day. You understand me? In you that journey is.
像是冥冥之中戳到乔的痛楚,罗伊提到一出音乐剧《一笼傻鸟》(La Cage aux Folles,1983),并以百老汇历史最佳之名向乔力荐。这是一部同性恋题材的欢脱喜剧,乔怕是不明就里,但罗伊对待同志问题的态度在此已经埋下伏笔。在他眼里,戏中因善意、宽容而最终和解的假凤虚凰们,大概真的就是一笼傻鸟吧?只是眼下他还不知道,面前的乔内心有多大的困扰纠结,日益作茧自缚。
人物 哈珀·阿玛蒂·皮特(Harper Amaty Pitt):乔的妻子,患有广场恐惧症,对“安定”轻微上瘾。 谎先生(Mr. Lies):出现在哈珀幻觉中的朋友,他是个旅游代理人,但穿着和谈吐像个爵士音乐家。他的上衣翻领上总是别着一个徽章,上刻着“IOTA”(The International Order of Travel Agents,旅游代理国际预订)。由扮演伯利兹(Belize)的演员饰。 乔。
舞台提示 当天稍晚。哈珀独自一人在家。她面对着观众,一如往常地一面听着收音机,一面自言自语。
舌头上两粒蓝色的药片儿,蓬头垢面,毛手毛脚,一时难以将玛丽-露易丝·帕克(Mary-Louise Parker)的形象与笔管条直、衣冠楚楚的乔的妻子画等号,鲜明的反差也暗示了二人婚姻关系的背离。剧本中哈珀的第一段台词被省略了真是可惜,这段应是她从收音机里获得的信息乍听之下似是呓语,却道破了对新纪元降临前弥散的末世癌的预言: ...the fussy vegetable preference for visible light, its rejection of darker rays and emanations. Danger from without. It's a kind of gift, from God, the crowning touch to the creation of the world: guardian angels, hands linked, make a spherical net, a blue-green nesting orb, a shell of safety for life itself. But everywhere, things are collapsing, lies surfacing, systems of defense giving way.... This is why, Joe, this is why I shouldn't be left alone.
镜头中秋日的绚烂与死亡的阴影强烈对比,路易斯的身影渐行渐远,他承诺去去就来,但普莱尔已经预感到,过去将被埋葬,永远不会回来了。 -Then I'll come home. -Le chat, elle ne reviendra jamais, jamais... (The cat, she will never, never return...) 至此,对被抛弃的恐惧成为比艾滋病更令普莱尔胆寒的癌,为他与同命相连的哈珀在幻觉中相遇埋下了伏笔。
人物 哈珀。 乔。 路易斯。 切梅尔维茨拉比。
舞台提示 当日稍晚。舞台分为两景:乔和哈珀在家;路易斯和切梅尔维茨拉比在墓地,小棺材放在一旁。
本剧设定的背景是80年代的纽约,气数将尽的罗伊的存在犹如一个似曾相识的阴影,提醒着里根政府的保守主义复辟。身为摩门教徒和共和党员的乔无疑是“传统”和“保守”的完美新代言,自然成了阴影意欲附着的傀儡。当他在妻子面前鼓吹里根重塑了美国时,哈珀的呓语再次一针见血:“But it still seems that way. More now than before.”
路易斯带着预支的负罪感向老拉忏悔,得到的却是无情的神回复:“Catholics believe in forgiveness. Jews believe in Guilt.”现在想想,越往后越觉得路易斯像一个爱强词夺理的孩子,任性又脆弱。身患绝症命不久矣的不是他,扑在病人怀里哭着求安慰的却是他;饱受病痛折磨生不如死的不是他,大呼小叫再也受不了了的却是他;不能共患难遗弃爱人另觅新欢的是他,用欲望自醉用暴力自罚是为旧情难忘的也是他……一个负心的孩子,比毒蛇的牙齿还要使人痛入骨髓,致人癌症。
无论是犹太人、同性恋的身份,还是左派自由主义的观点,路易斯看起来都是那个与作者本人较为接近的角色。所幸的是,剧中这个犹太教“叛逆”以自由、进步为名的自私、逃避,也是作者揶揄、反思的对象: Americans pay high prices for maintaining the myth of the Individual: We have no system of universal health care, we don't educate our children, we can't pass sane gun control laws, we elect presidents like Reagan, we hate and fear inevitable processes like aging and death.... Anyone interested in exploring alternatives to Individualism and the political economy it serves, Capitalism, has to be willing to ask hard questions about the ego, both as abstraction and as exemplified in oneself.(见剧本后记With a Little Help from My Friends)
两片儿,倒回去一片儿,又拿出来,放进嘴里,再掰半片儿;两粒,一把,又一把,就着药水吞下去。哈珀心满意足地窝进沙发,眼皮渐渐发沉;普莱尔平躺在沙发上,手里的《谷克多传记》(Cocteau: A Biography)慢慢滑落胸口——梦境的布景就是在模仿法国诗人让·谷克多(Jean Cocteau)导演的电影《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast,1946)。两个药罐子的梦幻相遇在剧中就是这样开场的,华丽,荒诞,伤感,自尊,初看时第一次流下眼泪就在这里。 -My heart is pumping polluted blood. I feel dirty. -Deep inside you, there's a part of you, the most inner part, entirely free of disease.
-Are you a homo? -NO. I'm not. 哈珀从厨房追到卧室,又追到玄关堵住大门,终于听到一个这房间里没人相信的回答。每当触及问题的实质,乔就变脸般抹去谦谦君子的伪装,露出自卫的獠牙,却越发显出他的恐惧: All I will say is that I am a very good man who has worked very hard to become good and you want to destroy that. You want to destroy me, but I am not going to let you do that.
-Tell me some more about justice. -You are not about to die. 抚摸,亲吻,普莱尔像温柔的母亲安慰着被吓坏的孩子。路易斯充耳不闻地大谈正义的哲学,仿佛没有任何“癌”挡在他们中间,这就是他所谓的handling: -You love me. What if I walked out on this? Would you hate me forever? -...it seems to me that it lets you off scot-free. No judgment, no guilt or responsibility. For anyone. It was an editorial "you."(本场在迷你剧中被省略的台词之一)
人物 亨利(Henry):罗伊的医生,由扮演汉娜的演员饰。 罗伊。
舞台提示 11月的第三个礼拜。罗伊和他的医生亨利,在亨利的办公室里。
很遗憾,剧中没有让万能的梅姨分身亨利,饰演医生的是詹姆斯·克伦威尔(James Cromwell)。本场,罗伊发表了他臭名昭著的“直男癌宣言”: I have sex with men. But unlike nearly every other man of whom this is true, I bring the guy I'm screwing to the White House and President Reagan smiles at us and shakes his hand. Because what I am is defined entirely by who I am. Roy Cohn is not a homosexual. Roy Cohn is a heterosexual man, Henry, who fucks around with guys.... AIDS is what homosexuals have. I have liver cancer.
历史上真实的罗伊·科恩也是一个深柜,同样也是死于艾滋病,只不过是在1986年8月,而非剧中的2月。有趣儿的是,罗伊还在作者的另一个剧本《G.大卫·沙因在地狱》(G. David Schine in Hell)中出现过,并与他传说中的基友沙因在地狱中。
第一幕最后,医生提到当时的一种抗艾新药,也就是大名鼎鼎的AZT,但必须向位于马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)的美国国立卫生研究院提出申请,再排上两年的队才可能拿到。在所有坏消息里,这算得上一个希望;在所有希望里,这相当于绝望。但是在圣经里,耶路撒冷城中有一个毕士大池(Pool of Bethesda),池水被天使搅动后,可以治愈第一个下水之人的一切疾病……
第二幕 人为环境 (1985.12-1986.1)
人物 普莱尔。 路易斯。
舞台提示 12月第三个星期的一个晚上,普莱尔独自倒在他卧房的地上,他的病情更严重了。
人物 哈珀。 乔。
舞台提示 当晚。哈珀独自坐在家里,室内没有开灯,观众几乎看不见她。乔入场,但没有开灯。
这是皮特夫妇难得的温情时刻,可是尽管言语动听,眼泪真诚,是发自内心地试图交流或化解,秘密依旧被厚厚的外壳包裹在无法触及的地方,放不下,打不开。《雅各与天使摔跤》(Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)是乔打不赢的噩梦。雅各的名字意为“抓住”,在与天使搏斗后,他被神赐名以色列,意即“与神搏斗”,而他的后代就是以色列人。名字的改变,意味着从物质中获得了解放,进入了灵性的境界;乔笃定人不胜天,因而不能也不会做出这样的“改变”。他的最大努力就是从盐湖城逃到纽约,以为可以摆脱过去的阴影,治愈“癌症”,洗刷“罪恶”,其实从来就没有走出过那片沙漠。现在,他所能做的就是祈祷上帝“to crush me, break me up into little pieces and start all over again”。
镜头推进特写的那幅《雅各与天使摔跤》,是法国画家亚历山大·路易·勒卢瓦尔(Alexander Louis Leloir)的版本。这般神迹,日后会在普莱尔身上再现,并且——也是最重要的——取得胜利。这是普莱尔(们)与乔(们)的根本区别,也是令路易斯最终重新做出选择的原因。
约瑟夫·雷蒙德·麦卡锡(Joseph Raymond McCarthy),律师、参议员,五十年代初anti-G白色恐怖的制造者;约翰·埃德加·胡佛(J. Edgar Hoover),律师、犯罪学家,曾任FBI局长,仇视左派;沃尔特·温切尔(Walter Winchell),记者、剧评家、电台主持人,麦卡锡的支持者。这三位“父亲”,是罗伊怀念的风云时代。现在,他想在蜡烛燃尽前烧上最后一炷香——可是,没有一位称职的父亲会告诉孩子爱和责任是trap。哦乔,你那雕塑般凝结的崇拜和怀疑,好看得令我作呕。
身体和事业的双重受创,使罗伊没有耐心再和乔玩儿过家家。魔鬼的诡辩,凶相毕露,却不堪一击: How do you think a handful of Bolsheviks turned St. Petersburg into Leningrad in one afternoon? Comrades. Who do for each other. Marx and Engels. Lenin and Trotsky. Josef Stalin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ...Their little rules. Because I know no rules. Because I don't see the Law as a dead and arbitrary collection of antiquated dictums, thou shall, thou shalt not, because, because I know the Law's a pliable, breathing, sweating…organ... Without the light of the sun, Joe, these cases, and the fancy lawyers who represent them, will wither and die. A well-placed friend, someone in the Justice Department, say, can turn off the sun. Cast a deep shadow on my behalf. Make them shiver in the cold. If they overstep. They would fear that. ——任他天花乱坠,唾沫横飞,软硬兼施,乔自风情不解,冥顽不灵,岿然不动。
两个在很多时候让我觉得是有性格缺陷的人,在另一些时候,如处子般纯洁,难过、苦恼得那么无辜,令人心痛。路易斯因为思念和愧疚,吃不下睡不着;乔在内心和外界的多重压力下,大礼拜天跑去上班。不能自已的慌乱、迷惘中,两个大男人真的变成了孩子。不熟知彼此过去而产生的安全感模糊了观念的对立,伪装成吸引力,将两颗心试探、扰乱: -...Nowadays. No connections. No responsibilities. All of us...falling through the cracks that separate what we owe to ourselves and...and what we owe to love.(在迷你剧中被省略) -You just.... Whatever you feel like saying or doing, you don't care, you just...do it. -DO what? -It. Whatever. Whatever it is you want to do. -Are you trying to tell me something? (舞台提示:沉默了一下,两人带着性暗示的眼神,彼此对望了一会儿。乔转过头去。) -NO, I'm just observing that you... -Impulsive. -Yes, I mean it must be scary, you... -Land of the free. Home of the brave. Call me irresponsible. -It's kind of terrifying. -Yeah, well, freedom is. Heartless, too. -Oh you're not heartless. -You don't know.
自由国土,勇士的家乡,伟大和可怕的故事俯拾皆是,Song of Myself的后代,因为年轻而敢于不计后果。这诱惑令乔惊慌——没有了正义的约束(与罗伊沆瀣一气?)、爱的套牢(做欲望的奴仆?),完全的自由会是他的灭顶之灾: ...what a thing it would be...if overnight everything you owe anything to, justice, or love, had really gone away. Free. It would be...heartless terror. Yes. Terrible, and... Very great. To shed your skin, every old skin, one by one and then walk away, unencumbered, into the morning.
路易斯挤对里根家族那句“Well darling he never sucked my cock but...”是在模仿美国女演员塔卢拉·班克赫德(Tallulah Bankhead)对好事者向她打听她的一位好友是否同性恋的回答。本场结束前路易斯还有一段自嘲被省略了,刚才他对里根的讽刺,全部反射回自己身上,其实他是有自知之明的,所以才受着良心的谴责: Maybe the court won't convene. Ever again. Maybe we are free. To do whatever. Children of the new morning, criminal minds. Selfish and greedy and loveless and blind. Reagan's children. You're scared. So am I. Everybody is in the land of the free. God help us all.
I'm leaving. I already have. I need some privacy. I won't be judged by you. This isn't a crime, just-the inevitable consequence of people who run out of-whose limitations... YOU can love someone and fail them. You can love someone and not be able to... I have to find some way to save myself.
I'm not going to leave you. This is the truth. I knew this when I married you. I've known this I guess for as long as I've known anything, but... I don't know, I thought maybe that with enough effort and will I could change myself...but I can't... I'm the man with the knives.
——当然,艾米莉不只给普莱尔输液,还要做全身检查,你懂的。不过,虽然有全裸镜头,气氛却是紧张(普莱尔)中透着安详(护士),有一种严肃的神圣感。装上翅膀,艾玛阿姨是狰狞搞怪的小恶魔;穿上白大褂儿,她是自带光环的圣母。普莱尔戏谑“药学的奇迹”时说“Lazarus breathes again”,指的是圣经中耶稣让已死的拉撒路复活了的神迹。但在作者笔下更常发生的是,象征着神力的医生总是在宣布无能为力(亨利对罗伊:I haven't got a damn thing for you;牙医对普莱尔:Yuck!),代表着人力的护士则一路“送佛送到西”(除了艾米莉外,再如伯利兹对罗伊的“临终关怀”,对普莱尔的不离不弃)——神的退场,人的自救,或者是我想多了,作者只是有护士情结……
那边厢,路易斯看上去憔悴了很多,胡子拉碴,尽管仍然喋喋不休,甚至比以往说得更多,却越发显得精神不振,似强弩之末。坐在对面的伯利兹,很明显在忍耐,而且忍很久了,可是路易斯并没有要停下来的意思。与外表的变化同步,他关于民主、自由、种族的最新演讲也各种矛盾,不知所云。尤其当话题触及种族问题时,幼稚,虚弱——伯利兹一飞镖就把果冻戳穿。作为中产白人,路易斯对美国民主过分乐观,对(美国以外的)反犹情绪有被害妄想症般的纤细敏感,对(美国的)种族问题却有意无意地反应迟钝;他就是他所声讨的布尔乔亚,他早已被他f*ck的同化所同化。伯利兹再次敏锐地从老太太的裹脚布里找到了矛盾的核心:“Real love isn't ambivalent.”在他“最喜欢的平装畅销小说”里,种族势必将爱隔离;在路易斯和普莱尔之间,癌宣判了爱的死刑。伯利兹就是这么犀利,路易斯瞬间崩盘: -Tell him I love him. Can you do that? -I've thought about it for a very long time, and I still don't understand what love is. Justice is simple. Democracy is simple. Those things are unambivalent. But love is very hard. And it goes bad for you if you violate the hard law of love. -I'm dying. -He's dying. You just wish you were.
伯利兹说的那本书《我爱夜晚的神秘》在现实中并不存在,“in love with the night mysterious”其实是美国音乐家科尔·波特(Cole Porter)以莎士比亚的《驯悍记》为蓝本创作的音乐剧《刁蛮公主》(Kiss Me, Kate,1948;1953年被改编为电影Kiss Me Kate)里的歌词。巧的是,波特和乔一样,也是已婚的同性恋,不过人家的婚姻是建立在知根知底、互惠互利、互助互爱的基础上,就这点来说可是乔的榜样。
普莱尔幻听到艾米莉说的希伯来语是犹太教葬礼上的祷告(El male rachamim),巨大的精神压力一步步将他推向天使的召唤: ...I feel like something terrifying is on its way, you know, like a missile from outer space, and it's plummeting down towards the earth, and I'm ground zero.... (舞台提示:舞台上突然火光一闪,传出雄壮的万人大合唱,然后地面上升起一根红色的金属柱子,上面架着一本巨大的书,它的每张纸都是钢做的。那本书打开了,里面刻着一个很大的希伯来文第一个字母Aleph,它化为火焰,然后书本马上合起来,降入地下消失,灯光恢复正常。艾米莉仍然在表上填写着,完全没有注意到这些。普莱尔脸上有种充满渴望的激动。)
罗森堡夫妇间谍案时至今日仍存在争议(有证据表明,朱利叶斯可能参与了间谍活动,而埃塞尔并没有,至少够不上死刑的程度),但罗伊在审判中欧文·罗伯特·考夫曼(Irving Robert Kaufman)法官的非法行为确实对判决产生了影响。最令我悲哀的是,罗伊对闯入男性政治战场的埃塞尔的仇恨掺杂了很多私人因素——如果她不是犹太人,或者不是女性?在我看来,他有严重的身份认同障碍,身为犹太人却谋害同族,身为同性恋却镇压同志。可想而知,日后当他知晓乔的秘密时,受到的打击会有多大。F*ck traitors. F*ck communists. F*ck legal. F*ck nice. F*ck the Nation. F*ck yourself.
千禧年,耶稣将再度降临,撒旦被打入地狱。作为剧中魔鬼的化身,罗伊大势已去成为必然。 -I have all the time in the world. -You're immortal. -I'm immortal. Ethel. I have forced my way into history. I ain't never gonna die. -History is about to crack wide open. Millennium approaches.
...he wants someone familiar. A partner who knows his steps. (舞台提示:普莱尔睁开眼睛,路易斯出现。他看起来非常帅。曲子逐渐加入其他乐器合奏,成为一支浪漫的舞曲。) 记忆中的他,容颜未改,健康如初,青春生动。我已忘了为何而来,别去打扰,尽情舞蹈。
Moon river, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker Wherever you're going, I'm going your way
Two drifters, off to see the world, there's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbow's end, waiting around the bend My huckleberry friend, moon river and me
The twentieth century. Oh dear, the world has gotten so terribly, terribly old. 多希望这“月亮河”曾被天使搅扰,治愈疾痛,洗刷罪恶,冲破阻隔,使此刻,永远。
人物 普莱尔。 路易斯。 乔。 天使(The Angel):是四种光和热的化身,分别为荧光(Fluor)、磷光(Phosphor)、明光(Lumen)和烛光(Candle),化为一体就是“美国天使”(Continental Principality of America)。她有一对华丽的银灰色翅膀。
舞台提示 舞台上分为两景:普莱尔独自在他的公寓里;路易斯独自在公园里。
路易斯!!普莱尔脱口而出的名字,在公园的长椅上,却等来了乔——但你知道吗,你将得到的只是一具躯壳: -Well I fooled you. Crocodile tears. Nothing... -I'm a pretty terrible person, Louis. NO, I really really am. I don't think I deserve being loved. -There? See? We already have a lot in common. 路易斯问乔是否知道拉撒路的故事——对,就是第三幕第二场普莱尔自比的那个拉撒路。乔傻乎乎地“预言”耶稣会把普莱尔救活,然后美滋滋地跟着“真爱”滚床单去了。我是该说恭喜,还是该说感谢呢?
(舞台提示:雄壮的乐声大起,紧接着,灯光变成非常冷酷的淡蓝色,然后又转成温暖、亮丽的金色,又变成可怖的惨绿,最后是一片高贵美丽的紫色。声音静下来。) God almighty... Very Steven Spielberg.(弯译:戏剧高贵,谢绝煽情。) (舞台提示:一个似流星下坠般的声音从地球的极高处,极为猛力地朝着卧室撞击过来;当这个不知名的物体接近时,房间里的光线似乎都被它吸走,等到屋里全黑时,又听到如陨石撞地球般的巨响,整栋建筑开始摇晃,卧室部分的天花板、许多灰泥、板条、电线等纷纷掉落在地面。之后,在一片幽幽的白色光束之中,天使展开着她巨大的银灰色翅膀,从空中降下,飘浮在床的上方。) 剧本里,普莱尔在屁滚尿流间还不忘幽他一默,可惜迷你剧没敢让斯皮尔伯格躺枪。除了体现了作者的节操,放在舞台上,想来也会有一定的间离效果,使观众意识到,一切尚在人间。
Greetings, Prophet; The Great Work begins: The Messenger has arrived.
卷首语是美国散文家拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)“论艺术”(“On Art”)的名言: Because the soul is progressive, it never quite repeats itself, but in every act attempts the production of a new and fairer whole.
此一场景,迷你剧中没有呈现,其实剧本里暗藏玄机,还蛮好玩儿的。这个普利拉普萨里扬诺夫,一看就是在搞怪斯斯斯拉夫人拗拗拗口的名字,但他的姓氏显然是从prelapsarian而来,意即人类堕落前(before the fall of man),也就是亚当和夏娃偷食禁果前对神绝对服从的蒙昧时期,老老老布尔什维克的立场由此可见。1986年1月正值戈尔巴乔夫执政之初,“人类堕落前懦夫”对这条“毒蛇”带来的新经济政策和社会体制改革“苹果”不屑又恐惧。“...when we first read the Classic Texts, when in the dark vexed night of our ignorance and terror the seed-words sprouted and shoved incomprehension aside, when the incredible bloody vegetable struggle up and through into Red Blooming gave us Praxis, True Praxis, True Theory married to Actual Life...”十月革命的先驱者堕落为躺在前进路上的绊脚石。
If the snake sheds his skin before a new skin is ready, naked he will be in the world, prey to the forces of chaos. Without his skin he will be dismantled, lose coherence and die. Have you, my little serpents, a new skin? (舞台提示:舞台上传出一阵撕扯、爆裂声,大红旗飞出,舞台灯光恢复到“千禧年近了”最后的场景:普莱尔蜷缩在床上,床上散漫了卧室天花板的裂片;天使身着耀眼的白袍,裸着双足,严肃的停在半空中,面对着他。) -Then We dare not, we cannot, we MUST NOT move ahead! -GO away.
人物 哈珀·阿玛蒂·皮特(Harper Amaty Pitt):约瑟夫·波特·皮特(Joseph Porter Pitt)的妻子,患有广场恐惧症,对“安定”轻微上瘾,但她的幻想比药瘾更严重。 谎先生(Mr. Lies):出现在哈珀幻觉中的朋友,他是个旅游代理人,但穿着和谈吐却像个爵士音乐家。他的上衣翻领上总是别着一个徽章,上刻着“IOTA”(The International Order of Travel Agents,旅游代理国际预订)。由扮演伯利兹(Belize)的演员饰。 约瑟夫·波特·皮特(Joseph Porter Pitt):第二巡回上诉法院法官西奥多·威尔逊(Theodore Wilson)的书记长,昵称乔(Joe)。
I don't understand why I'm not dead. When your heart breaks, you should die. But there's still the rest of you. There's your breasts, and your genitals, and they're amazingly stupid, like babies or faithful dogs, they don't get it, they just want him. Want him.
哦也,伯利兹的戏份终于来了。什么叫绝世好基友? 对普莱尔:I spent the whole day with you, I do have a life of my own, you know. 对亨利:One moment,please. This is an emergency. 不止如此,还有迷你剧中省略的部分:晒着医生,给ex当点唱机。普莱尔点的圣诞颂歌《听啊!天使高声唱》(Hark! The Herald Angels Sing),很有几分“先知”的味道: Hark! The herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King! Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise; Join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem!
偏偏伯利兹是个滴水不漏的人,不玩儿概念,不做白日梦,见招拆招——你实用,我比你还实用,你越气急败坏,我越心安理得。换言之,伯利兹也是一个有思想定力的人,所以尽管他无法认同罗伊,更不会赦免他,倒也尽职尽责,把罗伊制得服服帖帖,正所谓一物降一物嘛。恐怕在二人第一次交手(静脉注射)时罗伊就意识到了,所以才能在这个让他牙根痒痒的“老黑”面前并非乞求地不吝说出“I don't want to be alone”。这是老吸血鬼难得的人性瞬间,但我觉得伯利兹留下来继续听疯话主要还是基于同志间的团结互助,也正是因此,他才能无差别地提醒罗伊提防他的WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒)医生给他做放疗和双盲试验(double blind)——摊上这么个护士,除了认“倒霉”,你上哪儿去找比他更好的?
接受了“敌人”的善意的罗伊立刻打电话给司法部的马丁·赫勒(Martin Heller),威胁他送来足够多的AZT由自己自由支配。剧本里提到马丁的电话号码是202-733-8525,迷你剧中阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)拨的202-244-3116则是华盛顿外圈电影院(Outer Circle 1-2)的电话,不过跟这家影院已于2004年关闭了。
虽然在剧中为时尚早,不过罗伊的“阴虱论”还真适合做他的墓志铭呢: Nothing could kill them. And every time I had to itch I'd smile, because I learned to respect them, these unkillable crabs, because... I learned to identify. You know? Determined lowlife. Like me.
在剧中出演葬礼歌手的是凯文·约瑟夫(Kevin 'Flotilla DeBarge' Joseph),一个现实中的扮装皇后。他唱的是福音音乐纪录片《巴雷特修女》(Say Amen, Somebody,1982)中的歌曲《我是他的孩子》(I'm His Child),不过是只是对口型,原唱是策拉·杰克逊·普赖斯(Zella Jackson Price)。
That ludicrous spectacle in there, just a parody of the funeral of someone who really counted. We don't; faggots; we're just a bad dream the real world is having, and the real world's waking up. And he's dead.
如果说第一部普莱尔和路易斯的梦中相会是如泣如诉,那本场就是“雷牛”满面——艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)把个白富美演得高大上的同时又像个逗B似的(褒义!)……剧中的艾玛阿姨年轻貌美如花,背书时中气十足,恨不能气吞万里如虎,可一旦“先知”不按“剧本”接戏,她完全无法即兴发挥,像只泄了气的皮球,嗖嗖嗖地在空中一通乱撞——因为天使“have no imagination, they can do anything but they can't invent, create, they're sort of fabulous and dull all at once”;人类可以think可以imagine,所以上帝才被人类吸引,弃天堂而去。但是当普莱尔流着泪说出abandoned的心事时,我正想用伯利兹的口气笑他入戏太深,猛地发现自己也在戏中……“This is just you, Prior, afraid of what's coming, afraid of time.”
-Turn back. Undo. -…the world doesn't spin backwards. Listen to the world, to how fast it goes. - Till HE returns again. -…the time has come to let him go. 没有“混合”就没有这么多矛盾,没有“混合”也就无法进步。因此尽管问题重重,人类始终没有停止追求的脚步。“约拿”是对普莱尔的轻蔑(先知约拿曾试图抗拒使命而受到惩罚,在鱼腹中度过三日后终向上帝臣服),stop moving更是对人性的亵渎,面对如此狂妄,选择应该是显而易见的。但是对普莱尔个人来说,做听话的“约拿”还是抗争的“雅各”,他需要相信自己的直觉。
除了延续与圣经的互文,本场还有一位隐藏作者,(被世人普遍认为是同性恋或双性恋的)诗人惠特曼。作者在剧本后记With a Little Help from My Friends反思“美国艺术家的典型风格”兼自嘲: Given the bloody opulence of this country's great and terrible history, given its newness and its grand improbability, its artists are bound to be tempted towards large gestures and big embraces, a proclivity de Tocqueville deplored as a national artistic trait nearly two hundred years ago. Melville, my favorite American writer, strikes inflated, even hysterical, chords on occasion. It's the sound of the Individual ballooning, overreaching. We are all children of "Song of Myself." And maybe in this spacious, under- and depopulated, as yet only lightly inscribed country, the Individual will finally expand to its unstable, insupportably swollen limits, and pop. (But here I risk pretentiousness, and an excess of optimism to boot-another American trait.) 这里的Song of Myself指的就是惠特曼的诗作《自己的歌》,其中的一些诗句“似曾相识”: I am the poet of the Body and I am the poet of the Soul... Missing me one place search another, I stop somewhere waiting for you. 因为本剧作者在“I I I I”的天使“假大空”的台词上显然甘冒被指责虚伪矫饰的危险“虚伪矫饰”了一把(并且在剧中人物的命运安排上又把“过度乐观”发扬光大了一番,此是后话): The Body is the Garden of the Soul. Hiding from Me one place you will find me in another. I I I I stop down the road, waiting for you.
Maybe I am a prophet. Not just me, all of us who are dying now. Maybe we've caught the virus of prophecy. Be still. Toil no more. Maybe the world has driven God from Heaven, incurred the angels' wrath. I believe I've seen the end of things. And having seen, I'm going blind, as prophets do. It makes a certain sense to me. I hate heaven. I've got no resistance left. Except to run.
先知以利亚,勇敢地杀掉巴力的先知后,在逃亡路上依靠天使相助,才熬过苦难与上帝相见。不管你逃到哪儿,她都会找到你,“掰直”你——她已经在那儿等你了。Straight or not, your choice.
第三幕 肠鸣 (蒙蔽心灵不如面对令人羞愧的真相) (1986.2)
副标题引自美国诗人华莱士·史蒂文森(Wallace Stevens)的《混沌的鉴赏家》(Connoisseur of Chaos)。
At first it can be very hard to accept how disappointing life is, Harper, because that's what it is and you have to accept it. With faith and time and hard work you reach a point... where the disappointment doesn't hurt as much, and then it gets actually easy to live with. Quite easy. Which is in its own way a disappointment. ——汉娜的处世哲学,与后面他儿子劝路易斯的一段话如出一辙。
本场有一个哈珀穿越幻觉“捉奸在床”的场景,在迷你剧中被省略了: YOU love him. YOU can't save him. You never saved anyone. Joe in love, isn't it pathetic. You're turning into me.
可能是人之将死的缘故,病得越厉害,罗伊身上越有一种接近顽皮的气质,以致我得不断提醒自己,这可不对……好在AZT这面镜子,照出了魔鬼。“I have friends who need them. Bad.”伯利兹的反应之迅猛令我感动不已,但在罗伊的意识里这简直就是G产“霸权”,岂有此理。于是,他把牙齿刺进你的皮肤,让毒液混入你的血管,然后看着变成跟他一样的狂犬——恶毒,我浑身一激灵,我最喜欢的角色在他的“激发”变成了他的镜像,哪怕只是一瞬。 -Kike. -NOW you're talking! -Greedy kike. -NOW you can have a bottle. But only one. ——Be yourself, Belize.
The worst thing about being sick in America, Ethel, is you are booted out of the parade. Americans have no use for sick. Look at Reagan: He's so healthy he's hardly human, he's a hundred if he's a day, he takes a slug in his chest and two days later he's out west riding ponies in his PJ's. I mean who does that? That's America. It's just no country for the infirm. 当罗伊意外地向埃塞尔吐露关于“美国精神”照不到的阴影的感喟时,我听出的不是伤怀,而是骄傲,就像病房里那张与里根的合影——埃塞尔,你永远被钉在叛徒的耻辱柱上,而我,曾被阳光普照。
乔在路易斯身边,像个娇羞的姑娘,但是当矛头对准了他——这可不是丘比特的箭——他整个人仿佛缩小了一圈,像个失宠的天使在乞求上帝的垂怜。上帝冷漠地说,天堂毁灭了。 - I love it when you can get to places and see what it used to be. The whole country was like this once. A paradise. - Ruined now. -It's still a great country. Best place on earth. Best place to be.
残缺也是种美,接受现实的不健全,摩门教的儿子继承了母亲的legacy: YOU believe the world is perfectible and so you find it always unsatisfying. YOU have to reconcile yourself to the worlds unperfectibility by being thoroughly in the world but not of it. That's what being a Mormon is. The rhythm of history is conservative. You have to accept that. And accept as rightfully yours the happiness that comes your way. Responsible for everything bad and evil in the world.
“上天才给了你一个月,你就说你爱我。不、可、能。爱上一个人需要很多年,如果非要加上一个期限,最少需要……四年半。”——路易斯教你“如何拒绝一个你不爱的人”: -What you did when you walked out on him was hard to do. The world may not understand it or approve but you did what you needed to do. And I consider you very brave. -Nobody does what I did, Joe. Nobody. -But maybe many want to. Let him go. For real. Louis. I love you. -No you don't. -Yes I do. -NO YOU DONT. You can't, it's only been a month, it takes years to fall in love, four-and-a-half years minimum. You think you do but that's just the gay virgin thing, that's...
乔脱下skin时,我真的很替他难过。旁观者从一开始就看到的事实,他却执迷到现在还不悟。路易斯不、爱、他,从、来、没、爱、过,也没有隐瞒对他整个意识形态的反感,只是他太信赖和沉迷于舌头探寻的味道,麻醉了自己。我不会说他这套理论是错,但是这番“安利与自我安利”……他不知道自己变得多像罗伊! I want to live now. And I can be anything I need to be. And I want to be with you. You have a good heart and you think the good thing is to be guilty and kind always but it's not always kind to be gentle and soft, there's a genuine violence softness and weakness visit on people. Sometimes self-interested is the most generous thing you can be.
罗伊的神魂颠倒,伯利兹的字字珠玑,这场充满诱惑的复仇看得我血脉贲张,鸡皮疙瘩掉满地,分分钟担心阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)真的会挂掉(我是说演员……)。夜里吵醒你的肠鸣,说出你心底最怕听到的事实: -...everyone in Balenciaga gowns with red corsages, and big dance palaces full of music and lights and racial impurity and gender confusion. And all the deities are Creole, mulatto, brown as the mouths of rivers. Race, taste and history finally overcome. And you ain't there. -And Heaven? -That was Heaven, Roy. -The fuck it was. Who are you? -Your negation. -Yeah. I know you. Nothing. A stomach grumble that wakes you in the night. -...I'm just the shadow on your grave. 最后他转过身来,两位“死亡天使”肩并肩的一幕真是神来之笔。罗伊,你输了。
人物 路易斯。 乔。 罗伊。 伯利兹。 哈珀。 摩门教母亲。 普莱尔。
舞台提示 哈珀和摩门教母亲。夜晚。布鲁克林高地的步道上。前两场的人物都仍然留在舞台上。
本场像一篇启示录,作者借一个“假人”,一个摩门教女性之口,道出了人,尤其是女性突破世俗规范(是为“改变”)生存的不易。哈珀透过幻觉,将潜意识中的决定传达出来,其实也是她不再甘于沉默的“肠鸣”tell the truth。而且饰演摩门教母亲的罗宾·薇格特(Robin Weigert)和演哈珀的玛丽-露易丝·帕克(Mary-Louise Parker)长得还蛮像的(脸盲症发作ing),更突显了自我意识的觉醒。 -God splits the skin with a jagged thumbnail from throat to belly and then plunges a huge filthy hand in, he grabs hold of your bloody tubes and they slip to evade his grasp but he squeezes hard, he insists, he pulls and pulls till all your innards are yanked out and the pain! We can't even talk about that. And then he stuffs them back, dirty, tangled and torn. It's up to you to do the stitching. -And then get up. And walk around. -Just mangled guts pretending. -That's how people change.
The squirming facts exceed the squamous mind, If one may say so.
...if you want to look at the heart of modern conservatism, you look at me. Everyone else has abandoned the struggle, everything nowadays is just sipping tea with Nixon and Mao, that was disgusting... 咳咳,言归“正”传,罗伊你到底是爱乔呢爱乔呢还是爱乔呢?每次他以“父亲”自居,我都感到很困惑:他的手在乔的背上摸索,那场景在我心头挥之不去。即便他对乔真的有视如己出的亲情成分,乔坦白自己离开妻子和一个男人同居后他的狂暴反应,绝不只是父亲对儿子自绝于家族、前途的震怒和心痛,一定也夹杂着类似酸楚的感情——他隐藏、压抑着自己对乔的渴望,想把他培养成“接班人”,或者至少是豢养一个亲信,然而乔先是“为了”妻子拒绝了他的美意并在信仰上与他决裂,现在竟然又把自己的才能浪费在“别的”男人身上。对罗伊来说,这是双重背叛——早知如此,我只会让你成为被我带到白宫,里根还冲你微笑,跟你握手的“那种”男人。
但我并非不相信,罗伊自说自话“弥补”乔的“父亲临终前的祝福”虽然霸道,却是真心。他在阻止乔打断这片刻宁静时,有意无意地自比以撒,暗合了乔心中的雅各情结。雅各和哥哥以扫分别受到母亲利百加和父亲以撒的偏爱,以撒想在未死之时给以扫祝福,却被雅各乔装蒙骗,唯声音败露,但以撒老眼昏花,终于上当。罗伊说:“That's what they're supposed to bless. Life.”这里,作者借用了耶鲁大学教授,文学评论家哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom)对希伯来文的blessing的翻译——more life(亦即本剧第二部的主题)。这壮美的宣言第一次发声竟出自将下地狱的恶魔之口,寄予着作者的苦心和好意,也是他对未来的坚定期许。
Every goddam thing I ever wanted they have taken from me. Mocked and reviled, all my life. Nobody...with me now. But the dead. 罗伊说,我一生从不为上头条。灭不掉的阴虱,you have to respect him。
另半边舞台,路易斯开着水龙头冲洗看不见的内伤,不把普莱尔逼疯誓不罢休。没有峰回路转,相见不如怀念。 YOU cry, but you endanger nothing in yourself. It's like the idea of crying when you do it. Or the idea of love. Come back to me when they're visible. I want to see black and blue, Louis, I want to see blood. Because I can't believe you even have blood in your veins till you show it to me. So don't come near me again, unless you've got something to show.
听着伯利兹的毒舌,我忽然get了:乔就是路易斯每每高谈阔论的“美国”的化身,big ideas,stories俯拾即是,然而路易斯没有意识到,在他眠床上的其实是罗伊,terminal,crazy,mean的垂死之人。 Your problem is that you are so full of piping hot crap that the mention of your name draws flies. Louis and his Big Ideas. Big Ideas are all you love. "America" is what Louis loves. You come with me to room 1013 over at the hospital, I'll show you America. Terminal, crazy and mean.
失意的乔又想进入自欺欺人的死循环,好在哈珀恕不奉陪了。 -Did you miss me? -...I've come back. -Fire's the answer. The Great and Terrible Day. At last. “上主大而可畏的日子”(The Great and Terrible Day)即“耶和华的日子”(The Day of the Lord),是耶和华惩罚恶人的日子(比如千禧年),会用火,会见血。有12位先知直接或间接地预言过这个日子。
汉娜所说的见过天使的约瑟夫·史密斯(Joseph Smith)是摩门教的创始人,那个天使就是哈珀曾纠正普莱尔的“天使摩罗乃”(Angel Moroni)。史密斯称摩罗乃指引给他一本“金书”( golden plates)和一副能预知未来的水晶球镜片的眼镜,后来他就根据那本书里的古埃及文“翻译”出了《摩门经》(The Book of Mormon)。很明显,普莱尔的“经历”是史密斯的翻版,但他对汉娜的话的排斥,当然并非针对摩门教,而是出自对大多数宗教的不信任,以及他想知道是否有先知拒绝过vision和拒绝的后果(被喂鲸的显然就是约拿),都预示着他不会按“剧本”演下去,“金书”早晚是要被改写的。 An angel is just a belief, with wings and arms that can carry you. It's naught to be afraid of. If it lets you down, reject it. Seek for something new.
汉娜听到普莱尔说“YOU comfort me, you do, you stiffen my spine”时,眼中闪过一道略带惊讶的温柔的光,不知道是不是想到了自己的儿子——他无助时是否有人comfort他,那个人为什么不是自己?那晚他鼓起勇气打电话坦白时,自己又说了些什么?
人物 哈珀。 乔。
舞台提示 当晚,哈珀和乔在家中的床上。一阵沉默,然后:
-What do you see? -Nothing, I... -Thank you. -For what? -Finally. The truth. 乔,你自由了。
人物 路易斯。 乔。
舞台提示 当夜稍晚。路易斯在他的公寓里,手中拿着一大叠复印的文件,读着。乔入场。两人看着对方。
获得“自由”的乔满怀希望地回去找路易斯,却遭到当头一棒:“Have you no decency, sir? At long last? Have you no sense of decency?”路易斯以“陆军-麦卡锡听证会”上,军方律师约瑟夫·韦尔奇(Joseph N. Welch)对约瑟夫·雷蒙德·麦卡锡(Joseph Raymond McCarthy)的质询开始了他的进攻。说实话,他为了理直气壮地甩掉乔居然去翻阅法庭判决,做到这个份上也真是醉了——你还记得曾经跟普莱尔说过it's not the verdict that counts,it's the act of judgment吗?路易斯一通扫射,根本没给乔解释的机会,因为他就不需要听。他成功地激怒了乔,很好,这下他终于受到了“惩罚”,而不是自己跌破额头——现在,他可以去向普莱尔证明了。
人物 罗伊。 埃塞尔。 伯利兹。
舞台提示 当夜稍晚。罗伊在病床上,情况很糟糕,身上接着一大堆监控器和点滴。埃塞尔出现。
John Brown's Body lies a-moulderin' in the grave, John Brown's Body lies a-moulderin' in the grave, John Brown's Body lies a-moulderin' in the grave, His truth is marching on... 罗伊哼着《约翰·布朗之躯》,给了埃塞尔一个big smile。
他自比带领以色列人逃出埃及的摩西及其继承者约书亚,以神力分开死海(摩西的神迹)、约旦河(约书亚的神迹),抵达应许之地迦南继续做一名律师,而他的敌人们将在对岸目瞪口呆。啧啧,死到临头还痴心妄想,代表Christian Bale消灭你!(据说Exodus: Gods and Kings口碑不佳……)
但是当埃塞尔告诉他not a lawyer anymore,他身上最后一丝精气神瞬间也被抽干了。埃塞尔将仇恨带上了天堂,化作一颗尖尖的小星星,每年只在6月9日(她的忌日)那晚燃烧一次,发出惨绿色的光芒。这恨是如此入骨,以致33年后她还会回来:“...you could kill me, but you couldn't ever defeat me. You never won. And when you die all anyone will say is: Better he had never lived at all.”字字咬牙切齿,听得我这叫解气。但是一个尝过死亡滋味的母亲的灵魂,面对恶魔孩子般的恳求,终究会心软。
A young lad stands, and he thinks Thinks and thinks the whole night through Whom to take and not to shame Whom to take and not to shame
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika Tumbalalaika, strum balalaika Tumbalalaika, may we be happy
Girl, girl, I want to ask of you What can grow, grow without rain? What can burn and never end? What can yearn, cry without tears? Foolish lad, why do you have to ask? A stone can grow, grow without rain Love can burn and never end A heart can yearn, cry without tears
What is higher than a house? What is swifter than a mouse? What is deeper than a well? What is bitter, more bitter than gall?
A chimney is higher than a house A cat is swifter than a mouse The Torah is deeper than a well Death is bitter, more bitter than gall
Grab her, say "I will not let thee go except thou bless me!" Then wrestle with her till she gives in. 本场荒诞感十足。纠缠了普莱尔这么久的天使,竟然轻易“大腿肌肉拉伤”败下阵来,而绘出这幅“雅各与天使摔跤”的竟然是“摩门教母亲”。不由得想起第一部里马丁·赫勒(Martin Heller)对乔说的话,原来也是预言:“It's the fear of what comes after the doing that makes the doing hard to do. But you can almost always live with the consequences.”
(舞台提示:乐声大作,暗蓝色的房中突然出现一道白光。这道极为耀眼的白色光束中出现一道更亮、更白的梯子,无尽地向上延伸,而在梯子的每一条横杆上都燃烧着希伯来文字母。) 普莱尔一“走”,雌雄同体的天使就把“舌头”(艾玛阿姨告诉我们,you have to use tongues even if you're not a lesbian)伸向了纯良的汉娜,带她在纽约上空体验了一把前所未有的G点。两个保守的女人,负负得正;期待汉娜从酣睡中醒来。
人物 普莱尔。 哈珀。 天使。
舞台提示 普莱尔来到了天堂。他穿着先知的长袍,看起来像电影《十诫》(The Ten Commandments,1956)中查尔顿·赫斯顿(Charlton Heston)饰演的摩西,手中带着一本《反迁移使徒书》(Anti-Migratory Epistle)。天堂看起来很像1906年大地震后的旧金山,有种荒凉、残破的感觉,四处都是断壁残垣。哈珀正坐在一个街角的木箱上,逗弄着一只猫。
普莱尔在天堂遇到哈珀的段落,在迷你剧中被省略了。哈珀并不自知身处天堂,想来又是嗑药high了……而那只猫就是普莱尔和路易斯走失的小猫示巴(Sheba),九条命用完也没能“通关”。普莱尔为“旧金山”的devastation所惑,邀请哈珀同留,却被拒绝:“I feel like shit but I've never felt more alive.” (舞台提示:景色逐渐消失,浮现出另一个室内景。那是上议堂的前厅,看起来像极了旧金山的市政厅,但是灰泥上裂缝更多。天使出现。)
He was a terrible person. He died a hard death. So maybe.... A queen can forgive her vanquished foe. It isn't easy, it doesn't count if it's easy, it's the hardest thing. Forgiveness. Which is maybe where love and justice finally meet. Peace, at least. 公平,是伯利兹给罗伊最大的宽恕:因为同志,他没有把罗伊排除在“团结”之外;因为AZT,他甚至愿意感谢罗伊。为一个如此糟糕的人祈祷,并不意味着“宽恕”的结果,更重要的是“去宽恕”的尝试。面对历史的罪恶,我们常说宽恕而不遗忘,我以为,就是以爱的力量匡扶正义,不为给对方添堵,只为解自己心宽。
我不了解历史上真实的罗伊·科恩的身后名,不过在1988年华盛顿“艾滋病纪念拼布”(NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt)上的“懦夫 恶霸 受害者”(coward bully victim),fair enough——前事不忘后事之师,YOU sonofabitch。
迷你剧没有呈现罗伊的鬼魂出现在乔的幻觉中的片段,所以无缘看到罗伊给乔的轻吻……“You'll find, my friend, that what you love will take you places you never dreamed you'd go.”细想一下,确实如此。剧中的每个幻境,都是角色在“爱”里沉浮产生的眩晕,仅限于想到自己的人,是不大配得上这些非凡的体验的。
“先知”来到,退还使徒书,宣布保守和停滞的无期徒刑—— 人类的决定: We can't just stop. We're not rocks-progress, migration, motion is...desire. Even if all we desire is stillness, it's still desire for. Even if we go faster than we should. We can't wait. And wait for what? God... He isn't coming back. And even if He did.... If He ever did come back, if He ever dared to show His face, or his Glyph or whatever in the Garden again...if after all this destruction, if after all the terrible days of this terrible century He returned to see...how much suffering His abandonment had created, if all He has to offer is death, you should sue the bastard. That's my only contribution to all this Theology. Sue the bastard for walking out. How dare He. 普莱尔的决定: I've lived through such terrible times, and there are people who live through much much worse, but.... You see them living anyway. When they're more spirit than body, more sores than skin, when they're burned and in agony, when flies lay eggs in the corners of the eyes of their children, they live. Death usually has to take life away. I don't know if that's just the animal. I don't know if it's not braver to die. But I recognize the habit. The addiction to being alive. We live past hope. If I can find hope anywhere, that's it, that's the best I can do. It's so much not enough, so inadequate but.... Bless me anyway. I want more life. And if He returns, take Him to Court. He walked out on us. He ought to pay.
恶梦醒来是早晨,普莱尔的反应和电影《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz,1939)里桃乐茜从奥兹国“回来”后一模一样: I've had a remarkable dream. And you were there, and you... And you. And some of it was terrible, and some of it was wonderful, but all the same I kept saying I want to go home. And they sent me home. 他对汉娜说的那句“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”,则是《欲望号街车》(A Streetcar Named Desire)里白兰奇最后的台词。
另一边厢,挂着visible scars的路易斯终于不再辩解地做出忏悔,普莱尔撤消了对遗弃他的“上帝”的控告,选择了宽恕。“我爱你但我们不能在一起”,这危险的狗血戏码竟能这般干净利落,不入俗套: -I want to come back to you. You could...respond, you could say something, throw me out or say it's fine, or it's not fine but sure what the hell or... I really failed you. But...this is hard. Failing in love isn't the same as not loving. It doesn't let you off the hook, it doesn't mean...you're free to not love. -I love you Louis. -Good. I love you. -I really do. But you can't come back. Not ever. I'm sorry. But you can't.
Typical Roy in Hell,仅存于剧本里: Yes I will represent you, King of the Universe, yes I will sing and eviscerate, I will bully and seduce, I will win for you and make the plaintiffs, those traitors, wish they had never heard the name of... Is it a done deal, are we on? Good, then I gotta start by telling you you ain't got a case here, you're guilty as hell, no question, you have nothing to plead but not to worry, darling, I will make something up.
广场恐惧症患者多年后再次坐上飞机,横越美国,追逐月亮。哈珀离开了“同志的国度”纽约,前往“最接近天堂”的旧金山,去到一片更广阔、宽容的天地寻找属于自己的位置。在只有她看得到的高空,一张由一个个死后的灵魂手拉手、脚勾脚团结而成的大网,织补着保护我们的臭氧层。“Nothing's lost forever. In this world, there is a kind of painful progress. Longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead.”——我忽然一身鸡皮疙瘩地想起本剧的副标题:一首关于国家主题的同志幻想曲(A Gay Fantasia on National Themes)。这是否意味着,留下来的人们,也就是尾声将要出现的四个角色,就是全剧都在建构(幻想)的“这个国度”的公民呢?如果这是一个“同志幻想国”,那是否汉娜心底也有一个被压抑的秘密呢?之前我只是认为她的婚姻相当不幸,因为每当乔提起父亲,她的反应得甚为生硬,以及她对普莱尔所说的对(男)同性恋和男性的印象,我也仅归因于宗教的长期约束和养成。但是现在看来,她内心的拉拉倾向,也并非全无可能。保守的生活环境大约让她根本没有意识到过,但乔的“变数”触发了这个隐秘的机制,与天使的G点,与普莱尔的亲近也许都是一种暗示。所以,她才能留下来……
This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all, and the dead will be commemorated and will struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come.
You are fabulous creatures, each and every one. And I bless you: More Life. The Great Work Begins.
The fountain's not flowing now, they turn it off in the winter, ice in the pipes. But in the summer it's a sight to see. I want to be around to see it. I plan to be. I hope to be.
Angels in America 美国天使是剧作家Tony Kushner 最赋盛名的一部戏剧作品。 本部作品分两部, 第一部Millennium Approaches(千禧年来临)和第二部Perestroika(改革)。 其中第一部获得了1993年的普利策奖。毫无疑问,这是一部天才之作。 虽然同性恋是主题之一,但这部剧实际上涉及了美国生活的方方面面: 政治,宗教信仰,种族, 个人身份冲突, 等等等等。 好的作品能让人有不同的解读。 这部作品隐喻颇多, 颇深。 现实和虚幻的场景交替让人分不清事实还是fantasy。宏大的时代背景和小人物们的纠葛,以及天使,神谕和现实的交错让人既迷惑又感到真实。
一部好的作品一定会有深厚的生活的根基,这部作品也不例外。 Tony Kushner 现实中也是一个同性恋,毕业于哥伦比亚大学。恋人mark harris是一名记者,毕业于耶鲁大学。 他们在2003年成为第一对婚礼登上纽约时报的同性婚姻。kushner的同性恋身份让他写起同性恋的纠葛得心应手。即使不是同性恋,读这部作品的时候也能与剧中人物的纠葛而感应。 kushner不仅涉及戏剧界,更是电影界的金牌screenwriter。 慕尼黑,林肯,都是他的作品。 angels in america也被hbo出资,有kushner亲自改编,mike nichols 执导,拍成了电影。
包容(acceptance) 包容也是本剧的一个主题。 作者kushner其实是一个非常积极的作家, 尽管同性恋群体的生活在他成长的年代并不乐观, 但结尾作者还是隐约透露了自己对未来的积极幻想:angels in America 可以自由快乐的生活, 不管他到底是什么样的。 Hannah本着纠正孩子joe 的错误的心卖了老家的房子来到纽约希望拯救自己的儿子,怎么也接受不了他是同性恋这个事实。Louis 听闻prior得爱滋病的消息后无法接受, 选择立即离开他,四处勾搭希望能够忘记他。 但在第二部, hannah 逐渐接受了joe, Louis到最后发现自己还是爱着prior。
同性恋的社会现实 90年代的美国,是谈同色变的美国。 同性恋是被忽略的一个群体。 为同性恋维权的法案迟迟不能通过。 当roy发现他得了艾滋时, 他对他的医生说的一番话颇让人深思。 他不断反问医生, 逼问医生, :“say it, roy cohn is a homosexual”。 医生当然不敢说。Roy他不否认自己的性向,但他否认自己是同性恋。 “ I cannot be labeled by whom I fucked or whom fucked I. I am not homosexual. Homosexual are men who know nobady and who nobody knows, who have zero clout.” 同性恋在当时是被忽略的一个群体,与主流基督教基本教义相违。 没人愿意承认他们的存在, 但是Roy got the clout. 他可以威胁自己的医生, 只要手指一拨, 立刻可以让医生在纽约州生名扫地。 他可以让里根总统与他的男妓握手, 他可以随时和总统夫人通话。 他是权利的象征。 所以他不是同性恋, 他是 a heterosexual man, who fucks around guys. 而AIDS is what homosexuals have. 所以,roy最后逼迫医生承认自己患的是 liver cancer, 而不是艾滋。 Roy的权利让他不承认自己是同性恋, 但他又自信到不否认自己。
政治 即使美国宣称是个民主国家, 崇尚自由, 包容和平等, 但在作者看来,这自由平等和民主是有阶级性的。 作者借Louis的口点明,“underneath all the tolerance, is intense, passionate hatred”。 美国梦是中产阶级白人基督教徒异性恋的梦, 美国的民主也是他们的民主, 如果你是同性恋,有色人种,异教徒, 你的声音不会被关注,你的权利也难以维护。
种族问题 belize是一个黑人异装癖同性恋。这让这个剧更涉及到了美国的种族问题。庄园主和黑人奴隶恋爱的故事, Real love isn’t ever ambivalent。 Roy在医院的时候与belize 的对话也很有趣。
天使与orgasm 剧中天使降临时,prior和hannah都与天使产生了orgasm(性高潮)。 这些orgasm很难通过简简单单的性高潮解释。虽然我还是不是很理解这些高潮代表什么, 但从bernini的ecstasy of st Teresa来看, 这些性高潮可能暗示着一种宗教上的屈服, ecstasy of st Teresa是bernini的宗教雕塑,描绘了teresa 修女形容自己感受到上帝的vision, 看到天使降临,带来上帝的message。 在bernini的雕塑中,st teresa被描绘成了性高潮的样子。 所以我觉得剧中和天使的高潮可能代表着Organism bliss, 虽然angels in America没有直接写到上帝, 但是作者还是对未来有积极的期望。 God is blessing America no matter who you are。