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春浓满楼情痴狂 Sweet Bird of Youth(1962)





  1. 其实这是个蛮复杂的故事,算是个更加绝望的屌丝版本《了不起的盖茨比》,作为电影而言,故事确实讲的不太好,不吸引观众,这可能就是当年票房失败的原因。不过,这不妨碍故事本身值得深思的现实主义主题。结局给了个happy ending,也让我有力气说一些自己的理解。如果真按照原著的结局拍,我可能连评论一下的兴趣都没了。



    3.《黑衣人》系列里我很喜欢的Zed——Rip Torn那时候还好年轻啊——而且他通过这片跟女主结婚了????这个八卦赋予本片蛮特别的意义。

    4.Shirley Knight的气质跟Carey Mulligan好像啊……这让我愈发把本片和《了不起的盖茨比》联系在一起了。

    5.女主——Geraldine Page不错,全片最精彩的部分就是她和保罗纽曼在中段的长对白,舞台剧演员的台词功力真棒——不过也正因为她是舞台剧演员出身,表演过猛了,导致后半段这个角色挺招人烦的。


  2. 意外的非常好看,田纳西对于情感纠葛的表现非常辛辣尖刻,给人酣畅淋漓之感。尽管有着对于名利丑陋面的揭示与批判。仍在故事的结尾给予了甜蜜的希望与和解。

    Sweet bird of Youth, at the opening of the film, with the background of a flock of sea birds flying over the river, the hero drives the car accompanied by the former Hollywood actress Alexandra is needy and desperate at the moment, escaping reality by consuming tobacco and alcohol,

    They are using each other in order to get the thing they want. However, the sweet bird has not died yet in Chance’s heart, for his love towards Heavenly is still there, singing.

    The acting of the Page is really powerful and emotionally bursting, she tried her best, pleading with Chance to stay once she knows that he is still in love with Heavenly. However, she just throws Chance away as penniless luggage at the moment that she knows she has a chance to shine on the stage again.

    Chance’s fantasy has been smashed, he went to find Heavenly and persuades her to leave the town with him. Heavenly loves Chances as well, so they reconcile and leave the town together.

    Heavenly’s greedy father shouted at them--the maid of their --Nonnie said you just go straight to hell by yourself.

    Tom the boss of Finley deserves this, as he does not love his daughter and just enjoying to put her on display as a model of purity and chastity.

    He mistreated his mistress--miss Lucy as well, and he is suspicious of her, so he hurts her so brutally by closing that jewellery box so suddenly to break her fingers. The shouting of her is really emotionally disturbing!

    Fame rotten heart, however, Chance is still in love with Heavenly, so no matter how bitter and frustrating he gets from the failure of pursuing a career to become a film star. He is still in Youth and has hopes for a rebirth.

    The film version was sanitized, with Chance becoming a drifter rather than gigolo for hire. The ending was also heavily altered from the explicit sexual mutilation scene depicted in the conclusion of the original stage version.

    Somehow, the sweet bird of Youth has a satirical and ironic meaning, which indicates that the bird in youth is sweet, but also can be poisonous, Chance becomes the lover of a fading film star, in order to exchange fame. However, selfishness and ugliness of fame contaminated, corrupted and destroy him at last, as the pricing of being sweet.

    He used love like most men use money.

    The biggest difference between people is not between the rich and the poor. The biggest difference is between those who have ecstasy in love and those who haven’t.