又名: 搞怪一家人 第八季 / 格利芬一家 第八季 / 家庭伙伴 第八季 / 家庭朋友 第八季 / 居家男人 第八季 / Padre de familia season 8
导演: Seth MacFarlane
编剧: Seth MacFarlane
主演: H. Jon Benjamin Alex Borstein
制片国家/地区: 美国
上映日期: 2009-09-27(美国)
集数: 21 单集片长: 30分钟 IMDb: tt1506623 豆瓣评分:8.2 下载地址:迅雷下载
I think the funniest part might be the subtitles crewn at the beginning of the movie, OK let me copy it down: It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden But you know this story. What you may not know is that 20th Century Fox had so little faith in the "Star Wars" franchise that George Lucas keep all the merchandising rights. Are you listening stockholders? How can you invest in a company that makes such short-sighted decisions? I mean, this the same company that canceled "Family Guy" twice. Who's running that joint? Monkeys? I mean, if they're gonna be foolish with their money, then I guess that means we can be foolish with their money, too. Like spending a bunch of it to animate a computer-generate cartoon elephant that has nothing to do with the rest of the episode. Did you see that? Know what that cost? $58,000. I mean, what waste. It wasn't even that funny. That's $58,000 that could have gone to curing leukemia. Or muscular dystrophy. Or... what does Michael J. Fox have? That. Alright, let's watch some goddamn cartoons. Of course I don't copy it down and just make it a blog, I like it because I think it is much more funny than the rest of the movie. As a senior Star Wars fan, you may not be impressed by the plot, but these words were really fascinating.
*E01 平行宇宙 furry出生一家 E02 Q哥用左手打飞机 Q哥一直不上网 Brian是蝙蝠侠Stewie是罗宾 Lois发现她妈妈是犹太人 犹太人Max二次出场 Peter爸爸鬼魂回归 E03 Peter210磅 Cleveland离开 市长是苏联密探 饺子日常战神 Q哥大学时加入过三个即兴表演社团 Cleveland 浴缸 不不不.jpg *E04 Cleveland的家 浴缸.jpg Brian和单亲阿姨约会 Brian求婚 Brian出轨然后粉饰出轨还以为自己很深情然后被甩 *E05 邪恶猴子被抓和Chris成了好朋友 Meg有一只邪恶猩猩 Meg和Chris练习接吻 狗在眼泪下(另一个版本是饺从德州农场绑架了他的八个兄弟虐杀并威胁)带饺潜入后台见女神并骗麦粒Stewie有橄榄球形状的脑癌 邪恶猴子搬去了Tom Tucker儿子的衣柜
*E06 Stewie骗Brian做封面女郎动作 q哥有女儿了 Q的女儿叫Ana Lee小名anal用的震动奶嘴
*E07 Q哥正式被证明讨厌Brian Lois的黑人前男友给Peter不安全感而且他有12inches 狗试图讨好Q哥还摇尾巴结果戳到猫尾巴 Q哥妹妹被家暴弟弟耳聋 Q哥大骂Brian名场面 Jerome和Meg睡了
*E08 郁郁不得志狗醉驾撞死了一只狗 Brian以为杀狗是犯罪 狗搞动保集会差点被吃了 狗崩溃 狗坐浴缸里哭 Brian的项圈上有家庭住址 饺子安慰Brian让崩溃Brian待在他房间里
E09 Q哥年轻的时候也是嬉皮士
*E10 Brian想收到死松鼠当礼物 stewie最喜欢的节日是911 Peter失忆 鸟鸟鸟callback Lois的爸吸毒 Lois和Q约会 Q的屌是充气的 PETER被鸡打回记忆
*E11 Meg屁股上有市长的烙印 Meg和罪犯约会 Meg在女子监狱变成铁t Peter被Meg拔了 Brian把Meg拉回正轨
E12 Stewie和Chris在树林里迷路 Stewie帮Chris约会
*E13 Meg之前的男友只有半截 全镇人都去看Meg的正常男友 出生嫌弃Lois老了开始对Meg发情还要求亲嘴 Lois勾引Meg的正常男友 饺子女装摸了Brian的屌还爱上剧组小女孩然后失恋 Q哥日常觊觎Lois Bonnie有过外遇
E14 Peter的女上司想拔他
E15 *Brian的剧本大获成功但被改成低俗喜剧* 饺子头烂了
E16 鸟鸟鸟 Q和Bonnie睡了 Meg杀流浪猫 Peter小时候被迷奸过 Peter邀请Chris吸粉
*E17 Brian和饺子被锁在银行保险库 经典一集 饺子对Brian说我爱你
E18 Q哥爸爸出场 Q爸是越战老兵 *Brian和Q哥爸爸睡了*
E19 三剑客去了弗吉尼亚意外遇到Cleveland 四剑客笑话发源地历险
E20 星战梅开二度 Cleveland nononononono.jpg 继续吐槽Lois的声音
E21 Brian都变楚巴卡了还觊觎Lois 星战里唯一的黑人是Mort演的 鸡 Meg是洞穴大虫子
忘了集数:也许是这季开始饺子叫Brian Bri