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猎魔人 第二季 The Witcher Season 2(2021)





  1. 蒂莎娅·德·维瑞斯(),高阶女术士,中枢五名成员之一,她还曾担任了的校长,以严谨的治学风格闻名,并著有《》一书。她极度注重自己的外观和仪表,以及周边与她相关的一切事物。





    3.人称“正宗的科德温荒原之女” 的萨宾娜(原著里根本不像剧里那么柔柔弱弱,是个脾气极其火爆一头红发实力和椰奶相当且一直争风吃醋的女术士)





    玛格丽塔从小接受的都是最正统的魔法教育是蒂莎娅培养出来的接班人,魔法造诣极深但毕竟缺乏实战经验,年岁的阅历也不如菲丽芭。( 完整列出玛格丽塔·劳克斯-安蒂列在精神、心灵以及体能上的过人之处,写成的表格恐怕会堆成一座高山——原著描写)




    所以三人的排名我觉得是:菲丽芭 > 威爷≥玛格丽塔






    真的关心吗?在你们组织叛乱时,在你们趁着夜晚安排武装暴徒时,你肯定料到会有伤亡。莉迪亚死了。亨·格迪米狄斯奄奄一息。片刻之前,我看到阿尔托脸上血肉模糊。菲丽芭·艾哈特,这次政变还会有多少伤亡? ——蒂莎娅


    首先我要说明很多人包括猎魔人维基百科上都是写的” 单纯而又错误地决定 “相关这样描绘的她在次次政变中的决策...但大家有没有想过:




    不要进入这里,这里是仙尼德岛上的加斯唐宫。带着那些目光短浅的统治者的命令给我滚开,没人邀请过你们这些皇家仆人! ——蒂莎娅




    只有五人的巫师会成员,特拉诺瓦开两道远距离传送门,对身体负荷巨大。 蒂莎娅连开三道跨越数个城邦,神情自若,轻松无比。 同时她还可以自己不参与,而是在直接把白狼和特莉丝从仙尼德传送到遥远的布洛克莱昂。 这就是巫师世界第一术士的能力体现。

    特莉丝无法在准备不充足或有疲惫感时带人传送 叶奈法、薇歌等更强的术士可以带一人中短距离传送 菲丽芭、法兰茜丝卡等人会更强,但是也许强不到哪里去 艾瑞图萨的优秀应届生和普通毕业生,连传送自己都做不到 至于那些非学院派,可能只是自我钻研/野路子的外界术士,就更不用多说了

    特莉丝和凯拉这种带一人传送都勉强的女术士。 已经足以担当北方联盟一大王国的国王顾问之职。






    我是个贤者。我有力量是因为我拥有知识,不是因为我爱传授知识给别人 ——艾达艾敏


    即便在精灵社会里也极难见到贤者,一睹贤者的风采本身就是极大的尊荣 。



    1.精灵贤者 艾达 ·艾敏


    2.精灵贤者 阿瓦拉克


    3.精灵贤者 希姆莱斯 · 芬达贝







    5. 亨·格迪米狄斯





    1. 菲丽芭·艾哈特


    2. 法兰茜丝卡·芬达贝


    3. 洛格伊文的威戈佛特兹


    4. 卡兰希尔


    5. 玛格丽塔·劳克斯-安蒂列



    1. 席儿·德·坦沙维耶


    2. 芙琳吉拉·薇歌


    3. 范格堡的叶奈法


    4. 萨宾娜·葛丽维希格


    5. 艾希蕾·瓦·阿纳兴

























  2. 作为粉丝还会继续追下去,但这一季感觉节奏有点慢,说教的台词有点多。



    编剧想贯彻善恶之间的灰色地带,却把重心放在了模糊主角的道德原则上,而不是这个世界的黑暗残酷上。整个世界和人物的动机比原著世界“美式现代”了不少,有一种stranger things的感觉。


  3. Fuck it. I decided to compile a list of every change between Season 2 and Blood of Elves

    Heavy spoilers for the books and Season 2!


    This is not all-encompassing. I'll forget some changes--Heaven knows the writers made enough changes. I'll also preface this by saying: This isn't a commentary on the quality of the season itself. It is simply a collection of the differences between the novel and the show.


    * Voleth Meir is not in the books. Completely new character.

    * Geralt wouldn't use Ciri as bait in the books. Nor did he.

    * Ciri is never possessed by a witch.

    * Yennefer does not lose her magic in the books.

    * Yennefer never considers sacrificing Ciri for power. Nor does the opportunity ever arise.

    * Yennefer is not captured by Niilfgard in the books.

    * Instead, she is blinded following Sodden after taking a fireball to the face from Fringilla. She then spends lots of time in recovery, then--on Dijkstra's orders--tails and saves Dandelion from Rience.

    * No one ever thinks she's dead in the books either (Geralt worries that she died after Sodden, if I recall, but finds out rather quickly she's still out there after talking to Triss at the Sodden memorial)

    * Later in the series (Post Time of Contempt/Late Season 3 or early Season 4 by comparison), people suspect Yennefer of being a Nilfgaardian spy. But at no point does anyone suspect her of being a spy following Sodden.

    * The Stregobor stuff isn't a thing in the books. He's there, but plays no important role.

    * Vessemir wouldn't try to use Ciri's blood to create more witchers in the books. Nor would he ever allow Ciri to undergo the Trial. Nor would he let Eskel bring a bunch of hookers to Kaer Morhen

    * In the books, Dandelion is actively working with Djikstra and the Redanian Secret Service. ~~This is removed in the show~~ It is implied that Djikstra is funding Dandelion's sandpiper activities, though Dandelion doesn't seem to be aware of who he is working with. This is speculative on my part though.

    * Also in the books, Dandelion is not nearly as comedic as he was in Season 2. He is funny, but they seemed to lean into that aspect of him for Season 2.

    * This is more my interpretation, but in the books, Dandelion is far wittier than he is in the show. He certainly doesn't come across as the type to talk to rats in the book.

    * Djikstra is not a rambling drunk in the books (although I didn't find that to be a bad change. It was pretty interesting IMO).

    * I don't believe Istredd even appears in Blood of Elves

    * Francesa Findabar is *not* with the Scoia'tael in the books. By this, I mean she's not in the field with them, acting as their leader.

    * She is a member of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, though she does harbor sympathies for their cause and occasionally meets with Scoia'tel leaders (Filavandrel, as an example). This relationship becomes relevant when she aids Niilfgaard during the Coup at Thanned

    * Fringilla Vigo does not become de facto leader of Cintra in the books. Instead, she fucks off to Niilfgard

    * Cahir is not captured by the Brotherhood following Sodden in the books. I don't even recall if he was at Sodden. As far as I recall, he traveled back to Niilfgard following the Fall of Cintra, and was imprisoned for failing to capture Ciri. We don't see him again for another two books after Sodden.

    * His execution plot-point never happened in the books.

    * Book Cahir is also not nearly as mustache-twirly-evil-villain as he is in the show. Cahir fans will know what I mean.

    * Tissaia is hardly a significant character in the books.

    * Rience is not a magical bounty hunter in the books. He's an almost fanatical follower of Vilgefortz in the books.

    * Rience is scarred in the show and books, but in the books, it's because Yennefer uses her magic to wound him as he's interrogating Dandelion.

    * Lydia Van Bredevoort does not develop her scars from sniffing a vial of elder blood in the books. Instead, her scars are a result of magical experimentation on Vilgefortz' orders, and her wounds are hidden with an illusion.

    * Eskel is not turned into a Leshen and then killed (as far as we know. He's not in the books for long.)

    * Vilgefortz and Tissaia are not a romantic thing, as far as I could tell. Nor are they really even partners. Vilgefortz is also the genuine champion of Sodden in the books. He does this to gain more authority in the Brotherhood.

    * Vilgy is also way stronger and smarter in the books then how he is depicted in the show. Also, Vilgy never says his classic line. This is a cardinal sin, imo.

    * Nenekke is an old and religious lady. She doesn't go around dropping f-bombs in the books.

    * Emhyr kept the fact that Ciri was his daughter a big secret in the books. Understandable, given his plans for her (**cough** Imperial Incest **cough**)

    * Jarre in the books is a bit of a geek, who is very clearly awkward around girls, and has a crush on Ciri. But he's also smart, and good-intentioned. The show reduces him to a dick joke.

    **Plot Points**

    * Except for Ciri's training, there is not a single fight at Kaer Morhen. Never. There is no Leshen, nor is there the centipede thing with the claws. There is no possession.

    * There are only four witchers at Kaer Morhen (Vessemir, Eskel, Lambert, and Coen)

    * At Kaer Morhen, Ciri trains and exercises. Eventually, Triss arrives (on Geralt's request) and instructs Ciri on the basics of magic, as well as the Elder language.

    * The plot point with Ciri's blood being able to make more witchers is not in the books.

    * Vesemir never collects her blood either. The thought of making more witchers is only ever entertained in the context of Ciri being raised as a girl vs. being raised as a witcher. But the mutagenic process itself/Trial of Grasses is never brought up.

    * In the book, Triss travels with Ciri and Geralt to the Temple. In the show, she doesn't. We don't see her get sick.

    * On the path to the Temple is when they run into Yarpen Zigrin again. This doesn't happen in the show. As a result, Ciri doesn't visit Shaerrawedd, and there is no fight with the Scoia'tael.

    * There is no fight at Melitele's Temple in the books. Never.

    * Yennefer does not travel to the Temple to kidnap Ciri and sacrifice her in the books.

    * In the books, Ciri and Yennefer stay at the temple for a while. Ciri learns more magic.

    * Yennefer is invited to the temple by Geralt after Geralt has already left. See the 'Dear Friend,' bullet point further down.

    * There is no reunion between Geralt and Yennefer in Blood of Elves. They reunite outside Gors Velen in the next book.

    * In the books, Rience does not find Ciri at the Temple. Instead, Geralt leaves Ciri in Nenekke's care to find Rience at Oxenfurt.

    * There is no Shani in the show. >:(

    * Phillipa does not help Geralt find Rience, nor does she help Rience escape: as she does in the books.

    * In fact, Rience doesn't meet Ciri till the Time of Contempt, which is the next book following Blood of Elves.

    * Dandelion doesn't sing at a tavern in Oxenfurt. He sings at Bleobheris, a sacred tree.

    * His Sandpiper plot is not a thing in the books.

    * Dandelion is not arrested in the books.

    * The elf and Cintra plot is not in the books.

    * There is a non-human uprising in the North in the books, led by the Scoia'tael, but they are not given Cintra as a place of refuge by the Niilfgardians. Instead, Niilfgard is suspected of funding and arming them behind the scenes to stoke instability in the North.

    * Francesca never gets pregnant. Nor does Emhyr commit infanticide against an elven baby in the books.

    * The notion that a pure-blooded elf hasn't been born in decades is also a Netflix invention. Elves have a much smaller window of time to get pregnant, but it still happens in the books. Avallach and Geralt talk about this in Tower of Swallow.

    * The magical politics is a thing in the books, but is very different from the magical politics in the show. Stregobor does not interrogate or harm Yennefer, and neither do Tissaia/Vilgy use that as an excuse to seize Council seats.

    * Instead, the magical politics in the book are concerned with the growing distrust between the Kings and their magical advisors

    * The meeting of the Kings at the end of Season 2 is the meeting of the Kings in BoE that puts the Mages on edge, and is used to justify the Conclave in Time of Contempt. However, Tissaia is at the King's meeting in the show, which is not the case in the book. No mages were invited to the meeting in the books.

    * When the Kings of the North meet, they do conclude it best to kill Ciri--so as to prevent her falling into Emhyr's hands (they don't want him to have a legitimate claim to the Cintran throne). However, the show cut the King's talk of war with Niilfgaard.

    * In the books, they believe a quick strike across the Yaruga could recapture Cintra, and deal a blow to the South. This conversation paves the way for the Second Great War, but does not happen in the show.

    * The show also leaves out the politics regarding Cintra's throne. Cordhingrer is visited by Geralt in the books, and they develop a plot to--essentially-- smear Calanthe's name and ruin her claim to the Cintrant throne, thus making Ciri's claim to the throne illegitimate. Thus, protecting her from the kings who want her dead for her political power.

    * Again, the Voleth Meir plot is not in the books at all. Instead, Blood of Elves focuses on Ciri's training and planting the seeds for future conflicts.

    * I.e. the Second Great War, the Coup of Thanned, Character's motivations to capture Ciri, etc.

    * The Monoliths are not a thing in the books.

    * The 'Dear Friend,' bit is in reference to letters exchanged by Yennefer and Geralt while Geralt is in Oxenfurt hunting for Rience. Geralt asks Yennefer to travel to the temple to train Ciri. Again, Geralt and Yen don't actually meet though.

    * In the books, Niilfgardians are depicted as something more akin to the Romans or English (Highly centralized government with progressive and aristocratic traditions and legal codes). In the books, they are not religious zealots. Though they are also not necessarily 'good' either.

    * Yennefer and Cahir never have a team-up in the books.

    * Tissaia does not recommend that Ciri be captured, nor does she suggest that anyone protecting her be captured as well. In fact, Tissaia's role in the show is dramatically overblown.

    * Ciri is not with Geralt when he meets Nivellen.

    * Istredd does not meet with Cordringer and Fenn in the books. Geralt does meet them to find information about Rience and Ciri.

    It's not an exaggeration to say that the *majority* of this season is different from the books. And not just sort of different, but drastically different. Hell, the last four or five episodes are fictitious (relative to the book canon (yes I know it's all fiction, please stop reminding me)) in nearly every way. At this point, I'm not certain where the story will go. For example, how will the Coup play out on Thanedd if Ciri won't be able to attend it? And if Ciri isn't at Aretuza for the Coup, then how will she be warped to the desert? And if she isn't separated from Geralt and Yennefer, then how will she meet up with the Rats?

    Obviously, they can still work these plots in, or at least, work in the *effects* of these plots, but the story will take a drastically different turn than the one the book tells.

    Note that this isn't necessarily a good or a bad thing, so long as it's done well. But there has to come a point when the adaptation is so drastically different from the source material, that I start to wonder whether it's truly an adaptation, or if it's a reimagining.

  4. 有些改编是可取的,比如让希瑞加入童话的真实性(真爱如血)这一短篇中,可以避免犯第一季时间线混乱的错误。贯穿整季的林中老妪也是不错的原创内容,她引出了叶妮芙的故事,而且最后和整个世界最大的威胁狂猎联系在一起,有始有终,all make sense了。







