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社会学是种武术 La sociologie est un sport de combat(2001)

社会学是种武术 La sociologie est un sport de combat(2001)

又名: Sociology is a martial art

导演: Pierre Carles

主演: Pierre Bourdieu

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 法国

上映日期: 2001-05-02

片长: 140分钟 IMDb: tt0271793 豆瓣评分:9.1 下载地址:迅雷下载





  1. 这部对布迪厄跟拍的而成的纪录片不是普识介绍,倒是对布迪厄以及他的学术工作与社会实践的白描,其中甚至不乏尴尬的片刻。但总归,电影实实在在地展现了他自己说的这一点:“Sociology is a martial art. Like all martial arts, to be used in self-defense and any foul play is strictly forbidden”.





    以我自己感受而言,中国的社会学家离公众更远,专业之间的藩篱也更深,另一面社会学的公众声誉甚至更不堪和边缘,当然这与结构性问题有关。而当面来自普通人的“社会学有什么意义”的责问时,我们的社会学家或许更窘迫吧。毕竟想想也觉困难,在我们这里你甚至很难像布迪厄说出一句,“你可以做什么去改变”,有时,在中国的语境下这么说一句甚至有些残忍,而很难说要鼓励谁参与social movements,去改变。

    P.S 今年毕业衫上印了布迪厄这句社会学是一种竞技的原文,这部电影之前看了一小半,今天总算是补完了。从本片的诸多细节都不难看出布迪厄对他的学术工作的诚挚的爱意,即便他自己也记不清怎么走上社会学这条路,并且这种热情真有传染力,我能感觉到。6.17

  2. 开头就是Bourdieu在电视直播间,让人想到Bourdieu自己的Sur la televsion。PB说,要在英语环境里和人说话,很烦人。镜头似乎刻意捕捉PB的窘态。那是个满额头皱纹、有点驼背的男人,双手搭成一个三角,罩在嘴前,指尖不停地来回摩挲着。

    镜头一转。是一些声称自己反对The logic of money,能帮世界各国的人们认识到他们自己没有认识到的遮蔽的左派。PB路遇年轻的女崇拜者,想说话却总是被打断,最后给了一个Bissou告辞。他对这样的“粉丝”似乎并不能说什么,也不想说什么。

    广播室(Radio Droit de Cité)。似乎终于进入正题了。PB向主持人解释什么是社会学。Pb解释说,社会学家就是解释Pour quoi人们会做出这样那样的行为——举的还是那个经典的例子:为什么教师的子女会变工人阶级子女在学校中表现更好。接着主持人正襟危坐介绍PB的学术研究,PB说他致力于说明,Social world is not in a state of perpetual change——这恰恰是PB一生学术观点中从未放弃的一个信念,也是一直以来受到一些学者批评的“结构主义的信念”。社会不变的“结构”到底是什么?社会世界在何种意义上有真有不变量(constant)?——一个至今人们争议不断的问题。PB则说,没有constant,科学无从谈起。PB是坚持社会学是科学的。

    La sociologie est un sport de combat:意思是它只能用来自卫,不能用来foul play(支持某种政治观点)


    PB接受采访,关于他的书《男性统治》。采访者问他觉得什么是获得幸福的方式。PB说只能表达他的personal opinion,那就是每个人只能拥有一点Marginal freedom,而用这一点去反抗Necessities和Determinism就是幸福。

    Seminar上,PB讲学术与政治的关系:古典的政治分析方式——除了马克思的以西而分析方式——没有多大用,你不能用笼统的概念来分析问题,比如问“大学(general concept)是不是在捍卫资本主义”。统计是有用的,统计是微创手术(解剖)。

    访谈。关于PB的economy of happiness。PB说,要将那些人们因为不可计算而忽略的东西带进来。举例说,当国家让社会科学家研究城市中的暴力问题时,它关心的是我们需要多少警力、多少社会工作者,但是被系统性忽略的是那些暴力真正的原因,比如人们的不安全感,比如失业率的上涨,比如失学。一个社会部门竭力省出的钱可能会在另一个地方变成成本,我们不是排斥经济学,而是不满足于差劲的经济学。在社会中,人们是命运共同体。“我会对支配阶级说,你可以不关心别人的境遇,但是别傻了。我也不是个moralist。”


    办公室。PB告诫年轻人(应该是华康德)不要拖ddl,应该把能写的书写出来,“一本可以简短有力。像我的Sur le television一样,再写一本,要有论战性质,要有比较丰富的材料来支撑。”“时间飞快,你不能……否则你最后会感到恐慌。”“写书的过程,就是你会有thousands of decisions to make”,必须全部投入。我写主要作品那三个月,心底总是想着这样的事:是不是换一个小标题?是不是要把这节的内容移到那一章?中间如果有三四天被打断,就乱了(lose the thread),一切就要重来了,我就会发现接不上之前的话——这就是为什么我说你应该专门划出时间来写书。

    饭桌上,这段特别好笑。摄影师说我们在想给这个纪录片起什么标题,旁边的女性(dbq我没搞清楚她的身份)说你看Bourdieu的眼睛,有一点shy,但又很sharp,这就是社会学家的目光嘛,你们可以从这个上面想想。Bourdieu接话茬说,我在上学的时候老是因为我的眼神受老师罚,老师觉得我的目光insolent。摄影师说:我们取名叫The sideway gaze怎么样?Burdieu说:“啥?可别!That’s for Sartre !”

    在文化中心,社会学家和底层的真实碰撞。讲演主题是关于教育和不平等。台下的移民工薪阶级Said说:“社会学家来了又走了。我们不需要社会学家。我们要建一个文化中心,他们建立了一个police station。他们只想keep us down,今晚不是在讲不平等吗?不平等不是偶然的,你们欺骗了我们的父辈与祖辈……The justice system only keeps the peace for the keepers,没人stand for us。……大家该醒醒了,我们要真正的教育。好了,我说完了,现在如果你们(指坐着的听众)想继续talk to Bourdieu,他是Bourdieu,不是Dieu(法语的上帝) !别被骗了!”台下穿着西装的“理中客”听众试图和“neighbourhood的激进分子”理论:和Bourdieu讨论可以帮你们思考;回答是“My reflection comes froms God !”


    Bourdieu:你们说的很好,这里面有很多真实,但是可能不必这么悲观。关于偏见,社会学家最难的地方就在于他自己也带有偏见,并自己也在他对于他人的struggle中。关于革命,问题是The agitated 也要变成agitator。你们要自己动员起来,不必这么悲观,我的意思是,你们的观察方式是悲观的……Anyway, I’m not here to preach revolution.(Pierre Bourdieu对于政治的复杂暧昧的态度在此尽显。到底谁是pessimists?)

    最后,Bourdieu就社会学家的身份自我辩白:Being an intellectual isn’t a desease.

    最后还挺意想不到的是,活动结束后,“neighbourhood leader”Said说希望把我们的声音传递给您,要了Bourdieu的地址。“We are trying to become sociologists, but gutter sociologists.”Bourdieu笑着回应:我以后会在书中说:As my friend, a gutter sociologist said, …

    散场后,Bourdieu说,social movement,可能是不可缺少的。“We need a social movement to burn cars, but with a purpose.”

  3. Inertia, social reproduction

    Q: does inequality have purpose?
    A: it is a politics issue, it is complicated and I can't answer it.
    When you ask a scientific question, you should put politics aside. Inequality is a basic social reality and it is not right or wrong.

    Ask "what are his social reasons for saying that?"

    Sociology is a martial art. Like all martial arts, to be used in self-defense and any foul play is strictly forbidden

    I never said he should, I say "you have to find a way to make him."
    Men also suffer from chauvinism

    Q: can you summarize masculine values and feminine values?
    A: I never say masculine values but....
    Q: Not as a sociologist, but a man.
    A: I am fond of the feminine value but remember that they are largely the product of male domination
    Q: they are not their own?
    A: No. they are not part of women's nature. It is my personal opinion that women has properties/characteristics that are more attractive than men's. They are more ..... What I should say is "they are more likely to be like that" in a statistical way. And that's fine.

    Q: What should one do to be happy?
    A: I don't know
    Q:So sociologists can't answer that, can give no hope, can only point out the laws?
    A: He can give some answer, his personal opinion, but not as a sociologist.
    Q: what is your personal opinion?
    A: One must do what little on can to change things. Yes I think that is it. We all have very little scope for freedom, so everyone must do the little he can do to escape the laws, the necessities, the determinisms.

    What a beautiful thing but I don't understand any. I am not poet! (haa)
    (Director) he is testing you. If you don't understand the same thing he does, you can't
    No, I understand that bit. But afterwards, when he says... well, whatever!
    Poor old Bourdieu.

    Foucault transformed them into scientific questions. He fought all his life to elaborate. There are many homosexuals but only one Foucault.
    In the same way, it is not experience that leads to good sociology. The problem is how to use one's own experience in a useful way. As I always say, you have to use reflexive analysis. Sociologists have to invent their own sociology, analyzing themselves

    it is said that a committed intellectual is involved in politics. It is not true. A committed intellectual is involved in the public arena which may be political, but without abandoning the ordinary demands of his everyday activity as a researcher.

    That kind of generalization is intolerable to a sociologist. "Universities", all together, are like a 68-foot tortoise, they don't exist. Which universities do you mean? You need to be precise.

    What we need to fight this is delicate surgery.
    You can't say what you said. It is not universities in general.
    I think and this is not censorship that if we talk like that, someone should answer, "Sir I agree to some extent but not wholeheartedly."

    The economy of happiness
    Social cost and expenses are largely underestimated.
    What is social is economic.
    Social science is already telling us that measures which seen quite rational economically... those economic measures have terrible effects, which are not secondary but primary

    "I am not a moralist. If you like being like that... but it is stupid!"

    an interesting process of academic discussion

    01:33:00 On writing
    (Even Bourdieu will say) deadlines are a way of keeping control of you.
    I am sorry to say but at least for the serious writing phase, writing a book takes at least three months to think. There are thousands of little decisions. "Do I use this or that?"

    I think neo-liberal revolution is a conservative revolution which seems to reinstate the past, to return to the past, and yet calls itself progressive. Regression becomes progress.

    I don’t feel very wise tonight.

    2:01:40 Bourdieu in a political discussion with the public
    We are all full of prejudice. One reason that a sociologist’s work is so difficult, is because he is also full of prejudice and he has as much of a struggle against his own as against others.
    A housing estate psychiatrist? That is just insulting.
    It is too easy to denounce people who are, yes, scabs. They are scabs.
    (do not be anti-intellectualism)
    You would get tools for understanding this. Don’t let your righteous indignation which is totally justified blind you and deprive you of the tools of understanding.
    All those books help us regain our identity, the history of our parents’ generation…
    If that sounds arrogant, what the hell! I am not preaching for your good. I don’t give a damn. But don’t deprive yourselves of these intellectual resources. Intellectualism is not a disease.

    Address: 52 Rue du Cardinal Lemoine. Also the address the College de France
  4. 女孩在学校中成绩更好,是因为他们被教育要听话,如同与老师同阶级家庭的孩子成绩更好一样
















