E01 Georgian era 绘画-William Hogarth 民谣歌手-Put it all 歌词集 戏剧-《The Beggar's Opera》 文学-诗,Alexander Pope 《The Dunciad》;Jonathan Swift vs Lady Mary Wortley Montagu;Lord Byron 《Don Juan》-小说,Lawrence Sterne 《Tristram Shandy》 版画以及版画店的橱窗-James Gillray;Tomas Rowlandson;George Cruishank
E02 Penny gaffs-工人阶级,流浪汉 Music hall-有穷有富-Lydia Thompson,burlesque;Marie Lloyd 《Come into the garden,Maud》 摄影-Edward Linley Sambourne来自上流阶层;Oscar Rejlander《2 ways of life》女王买去送丈夫了-Holywell Street-Obscene Publications Act(1857) 报纸-Police News;Comic 《Ally Sloper》 Ormiston Chant vs Winston Churchill Mutascope 和电影-Frank Randle,卫生纸轰炸城市 明信片-Donald Mcgill
E03 讽刺漫画-1963 Gerald Scarfe 戏剧-Joe Orton(gay is fun) 广播-Round The Horne 杂志-OZ;VIZ 电视-the Garnetts;the comedians;spitting image;young ones;little Britain 录像带,DVD,剧场脱口秀 政治正确,监管