steroids类固醇 chop shop A place where stolen vehicles are dismantled so that the parts can be sold or used to repair other stolen vehicles dismantle 发音 去掉...的覆盖物;从(房子、船等)拆除 拆卸,拆开;解散 ticket giveaway 赠品机票 alias 发音 化名;别名 scalp(在剧院、体育场等外)倒卖高价票,卖黑市票 cut overhead 削减开销 win freebies 赢赠品 rig a bingo game(以不正当的手段)操纵,控制 mumbo jumbo 发音 莫名其妙的话 turd A lump of excrement experimental holistic thing considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts 整体的;全面的 humidor 发音 保湿器;保湿烟罐;保湿贮藏室 charity raffle 慈善抽奖 nest egg a sum of money that you save to use in the future 备用的钱;储备金 copacetic: completely satisfactory; unclaimed baggage 无人认领的行李 crouton a small piece of cold crisp fried bread served in soup or as part of a salad snob a person who admires people in the higher social classes too much and has no respect for people in the lower social classes 势利小人;谄上欺下的人 psychic connected with strange powers of the mind and not able to be explained by natural laws 关于通灵的;超自然的 spruce up; spruce somebody/something/yourself↔up to make somebody/something/yourself clean and neat 打扮;把…收拾整洁 Mohawk 发音 莫霍克族(原住纽约州的印第安人) getting knocked up 怀孕 big hair bouffant hairstyle, typically one that has been teased, permed, or sprayed to create volume mug shot a photograph of somebody's face kept by the police in their records to identify criminals (供警察局存档的辨认罪犯的)脸部照片 out-of-pocket 发音 非预算款项下开支的;(小额开支)用现金付的 赔钱 sundries various items, especially small ones, that are not important enough to be named separately 杂物;杂项物品 monkish 修道士(似)的;僧侣(似)的 tap 发音 讨(钱) EKG=ECGthe abbreviation for‘electrocardiogram’(a medical test that measures and records electrical activity of the heart) 心电图,心动电流图( booth # a place to sit in a restaurant which consists of two long seats with a table between them (餐馆中的)火车座,卡座 a stick in the mud老古董 grand larceny 发音 impersonate 发音 comp 发音 【俚】免费票 yikes used to show that you are surprised or suddenly afraid half mast of a flag 旗 flown at the middle of the mast as a sign of respect for a person who has just died 降半旗,下半旗(以示哀悼) in a flash 发音 瞬间 under the weather if you are or feel under the weather, you feel slightly ill/sick and not as well as usual 略有不适;不得劲 beat-up old and damaged 破旧的;破损的 rental 租金 ;租用的房屋(或汽车、设备等) they nailed him. punching a clock swing a deal low-key ceremony shindig a big noisy party 盛大而喧闹的聚会;盛大舞会 shooting the breeze 闲聊 beat the county record 全县纪录击败 psoriasis ointment 牛皮癣药膏 laxative department 泻药部门 back orders 延期交货 未交订单 kudos the admiration and respect that goes with a particular achievement or position (随某成就或地位而来的)荣誉,威信,光荣,名声 jackass a stupid person 蠢人;笨蛋;傻瓜 make the moves on sb.'s wife harborage 发音 庇护;避难所 conditions conducive conducive making it easy, possible or likely for something to happen 使容易(或有可能)发生的 vermin insects that live on the bodies of animals and sometimes human beings a chafing dish hustler a person who tries to trick somebody into giving them money 耍诡计骗钱的人 scammer 发音 骗子施诡计者 Nookie 1. 尝试鬼混 hieroglyphic 发音 象形文字的 Seal the deal 帮你搞定 against fornication 反对私通 gun-shy怕枪声的; 因过去经验而害怕、提防、不放心的 have ants in your pants 焦躁不安;坐立不安 perish by pestilence 必死于瘟疫 Scheherazade The character who narrates the Arabian Nights. Her delightful storytelling wins the favor and mercy of her husband, the sultan of India notary's license 公证员执照 vaguely n a way that is not detailed or exact 不详细地;含糊地;不确切地 candy-assA timid, cowardly, or despicable person moved on to greener pastures 转移到择木而栖 springy # returning quickly to the original shape after being pushed, pulled, stretched, etc. 有弹性(或弹力)的full of energy and confidence 矫健的;有活力的 boom a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success (贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣 period when something such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becomes very popular and successful (某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期 a loud deep sound 深沉的响声 chow-down吃饭 chow food 吃的东西 car lot车场 stiff to cheat somebody or not pay them what you owe them, especially by not leaving any money as a tip 诈骗;不还钱;(尤指)不给小费 get back at somebody 向某人报复 oncology the scientific study of and treatment of tumours in the body 肿瘤学 impeccable without mistakes or faults; perfect 无错误的;无瑕疵的;完美的 compounded interest 复利 hangdog if a person has a hangdog look, they look sad or ashamed 显得难过的;羞愧的 in a plastic 在塑料 spin doc·torA spokesperson employed to give a favorable interpretation of events to the media, esp. on behalf of a political party hush money money that is paid to somebody to prevent them from giving other people information that could be embarrassing or damaging 封嘴钱(用于防止某人透露令人尴尬或有损害的消息) categorical denial 明确拒绝 tapioca hard white grains obtained from the cassava plant, often cooked with milk to make a dessert(= a sweet dish) 木薯淀粉 copacetic: completely satisfactory;
如果要对骗子进行人格及心理分析,这部片子所提供的样本大概颇具代表性。他们说谎不眨眼,行骗不内疚, 情商智商奇高。他们无一例外喜欢享受生活,可是却不愿通过劳动报酬来换取享受,而是想方设法找人借钱再赖掉或者顺手揩油。毛姆写过一个短篇The Ant and Grasshopper,里面那个败家子弟弟便是典型。而在这部片子里,万恶的资本主义美国那林林种种令人眼花缭乱的freebies(免费赠品),让我们大开眼界,小到手机,大到汽车。因此,本片中的老爸不必天天行骗,只需搜罗一切可用不可用的免费赠品,就能从容生活。他自豪的向儿子宣称最近半年他只花了900块,衣食住行包括娱乐享受一切搞定,“没人能做到像我这样。你可能觉得我是个怪老头,可我觉得自己就是个老帅哥,让一切为我所用。”揩别人的油揩得如此理直气壮又招无数女人喜欢的老头其实也十分可爱,相信看到电影最后,他人生最后一次骗术得手,我们的心底会升起和他同样的情绪:喜悦,开心,幸灾乐祸,一点点自豪和同情,还有怜悯,就是不会有鄙夷之情。于是,道貌岸然的清教徒价值观被彻底颠覆,欺诈无罪,骗亦有道;真实与谎言已全然瓦解,整个世界又恢复到太初的混混沌沌,一片茫然。
故事一般,公路片加温情小品,普通的让人乏味,可是老爹的扮演确实出彩, 挽救了整个故事。Christopher Walken的一张老脸就很耐看,满脸沧桑,爆炸的发型经常梳理的一丝不苟,真是随便一个眼神儿都是演技,举手投足间轻松的驾驭自身角色。他是一个配角专业户,10岁从影至今主要演配角。平均每年2部多,最多在95年出演6部电影。如此高产的配角演到了炉火纯青的地步,各大电影节以配角16次获奖外加11次提名,78年35岁时凭借猎鹿人获奥斯卡等电影奖最佳男配角,02年59岁时又和汉克斯,迪卡普里奥合演逍遥法外,03年差点以该片男配再次获奥斯卡,不过05年凭借04年的公路片Around the Bend 获卫星奖男配,该片与这次的电影类似,不过加了个小孙子,3代人的故事。另外还参与多部电视剧,获艾美提名。正是功夫全靠打出来,演技全是练出来的。